[Question] A little lost ....Unhandled exception in service (JSON) interface (1 Viewer)


New Member
January 21, 2013
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United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hi perhaps I am doing something silly, and guidance on why I cannot get MPExtended/WifiRemote/ampDroid playing happily. Hopefully below is enough information but say if not. This is my first port of call, so if you think I should be reaching out to ampDroid or A.N.Other based on below please say, cheers!!!!

Clean Windows 8 pro x64, all updates installed, all .net 2/3/4.5 items loaded
Hauppauge TV card (DVB-s2) installed, latest drivers, and nothing in Device Driver view missing
MediaPortal1.2.3 installed, installed confirms all good to go, reboot done
TV card detected, removed those IPTV/radio so leaving only Hauppage
Clean MySQL5.1 with post install mysqlcheck run and OK across the board
No other settings changed at this point
(local Windows Firewall disabled from this point onwards)
Mediaportal can run, works dvb-s live tv is a treat :)
Bonjour installed x64 version (as listed in programs installed view)
Samsung Jellybean GT-N7000 , with latest ampDroid installed, app opens, nothing to find of course at this point.
Added WifiRemote 0.7.1 - with authentication set as null (none), defaults across the board e.g. 8017 port
A test using DemoClient from WifiRemote fails to find anything, perhaps normal as MPExtended not installed yet.
Install MPExtended 0.5.2 (non web version), elevated privileges, all appears good during install, no errors listed, and no settings changed
Repeat test of DemoClient from WifiRemote fails, manual IP address and port outputs, no success, but trying port 4322 means I now get the

Bonjour Version: 214.3.3

Connected, waiting for welcome message - which then times out.
ampDroid can
(1) when adding a new client, find the hostname, and acquire authentication settings (null of course).
(2) I can list the scanned and available TV channels, see a green light next to them, and browse the web EPG data that is on the PC.
(3) cannot start the remote, 'remote connection could not be established)/red light in bottom right.

In my attempts to fix/guess the problem I have
(1) removed everything, and reinstalled
(2) as above, using 1.3.0 of MediaPortal
(3) Verified from a suggestion I saw elsewhere, to disable auto bonjour(auto detection) and it is disabled
(4) now switched on DEBUG in MediaPortal and files attached
However no joy at this point.....hmmmm.... ideas most welcome. One thing I did notice in the installed log was MPExtended wants to install Wifi Remote itself, but it finds it already done. (if that mattered).

ideas anyone :)


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  • August 29, 2009
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    The 'Remote connection could not be established' message happens when it cannot to WifiRemote, so not really an MPExtended problem. You might've more luck asking in their forum ;) (Also, keep in mind that you need to enable the WifiRemote in the MediaPortal configuration manually, and MediaPortal needs to be running to connect to WifiRemote).

    Your MPExtended logs look fine. Some minor errors, but nothing serious that should prevent normal usage.


    New Member
    January 21, 2013
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Solved! Comical as it may sound I was under the assumption to fully test the remote I should use ampDroid to (1) start media portal and then be able to (2) remote control.

    As such I could open and close the app from ampdroid but this initial connection clearly confused WiFi remote and it did not run. Giving the unhelpful error in the subject of the thread.

    When I followed the advice above to manually start media portal not from ampdroid , ampdroid remote now connects and works.



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  • August 29, 2009
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    I think it should work when you start MP from aMPdroid too, you just need to manually connect then (menu > Connect Remote).


    New Member
    January 21, 2013
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    No that option fails... it was one of the things I was initially looking at.

    My layman's guess is a routing issue on ampdroid android app now..

    i.e. for it to issue the start mediaportal.exe power command successfully it uses 4322 TCP and from then until a new session starts it fails to route remote control traffic via 8017 TCP. Not sure why as the advanced client config caters for that very topic. Anyway I can live with a function key to start the app.


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  • August 29, 2009
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    Hmm, I think that's not supposed to happen. Maybe @DieBagger knows more about this.


    New Member
    January 21, 2013
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I am not sure why but all seems to be working now. Bonjour auto discover is switched off.

    Thanks for continuing to query this.

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