1.14.0 ACTION_EJECTCD doesn't work (2 Viewers)


Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    All that remains to be mentioned are the attached patches for 1.12, 1.14 and 1.15 PR.
    I have now tested the latest fixes for MP 1.15 pre. Some points:

    (1) As my test partition contained Stephane's modified version of 1.15 pre, I copied my production partition (MP 1.12 final) to my test partition, and then performed an update install using the "official" 1.15 pre.

    (2) I had my USB CD/DVD drive connected, so two CD/DVD drives were present in the system (the USB drive was "F:", and the built-in drive was "O:").

    (3) The skin tested was "DefaultWideHD".

    (4) I tested the "Music", "Pictures", and "Videos" panels. The same tests were performed on all of these panels.

    (5) The missing folders on the "Videos" panel and the duplicated list on the "Music" panel (that had occurred previously when using mismatched versions of the fix and MP) did not occur using the matched versions.

    (6) The "Load" and "Eject" entries on the context menu behaved correctly in all circumstances, operating on the drawer for the drive that had the focus, but not acting as toggles. (y)

    (7) The EJECT button on the remote also operated on the drive that had the focus (y), performing eject but not load (i.e. not toggling). If no drive had the focus, the EJECT button operated on the first drive in drive-letter order. (y)

    So, all working correctly, I think! (y) (y)

    However, I did notice one oddity :(, which looks to be caused by the skin. When the drawer is opened, a small red circle appears and then disappears in the lower right quadrant of the panel (only visible for about 0.5 seconds). This happens only on the "Videos" panel (not "Music" or "Pictures"), and after several attempts I was able to obtain a screen capture that showed it:


    The red circle also appears briefly when the "Autoplay" pop-up is displayed and "No" is selected after loading a disk. The red circle looks to be the "amount played" indicator used for videos. I guess that this is something that @catavolt should review.

    So, I am pleased to award this fix the "CyberSimian Seal of Approval". Excellent work. Thank you for correcting this long-standing error. :)

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Sounds like we have a winner. :)
    Thanks again for testing.

    can you describe your change, at least the improvement you one on it, for add to Jira ticket.
    Done, thanks.

    Branch created:

    It includes the fixes for:
    • ACTION_EJECTCD not working at all
    • music/pictures eject context menu item not opening an empty drive
    • ACTION_EJECTCD not operating on the selected drive.

    However, I did notice one oddity :(
    Sorry, I'm not going to attempt to address that here as it's quite unrelated to the original topic. Hopefully Catavolt will be able to address it.

    Thank you for correcting this long-standing error. :)
    No problem, any time. :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    As described earlier:
    However, I did notice one oddity :(, which looks to be caused by the skin. When the drawer is opened, a small red circle appears and then disappears in the lower right quadrant of the panel (only visible for about 0.5 seconds). This happens only on the "Videos" panel (not "Music" or "Pictures"), and after several attempts I was able to obtain a screen capture that showed it:

    The red circle also appears briefly when the "Autoplay" pop-up is displayed and "No" is selected after loading a disk. The red circle looks to be the "amount played" indicator used for videos. I guess that this is something that @catavolt should review.


    Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Well, checked that issue and it´s not skin related, especially when it disappears within 0.5 secs ;)
    A reason maybe that MP is not able to evaluate the watched percentage timely to not display the circle - in other words some processes delay this evaluation so the effect described above is seen ;)


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Well, checked that issue and it´s not skin related, especially when it disappears within 0.5 secs
    I have had another look at this. Remember that on the "Videos" panel, the CD drive is last in the list of folders. This is the sequence of actions/responses:

    Opening an Empty CD Drive
    (1) Display the "Videos" panel with an empty CD drive with the drawer closed. The focus is on the first folder in the list (in my case: "Current TV").

    (2) Use the DOWN button on the remote control (or keyboard) to move the focus to the CD drive.

    (3) Display the context menu and select "Eject".

    (4) There is a pause (about 1 second), the context menu is then removed from the screen, and the CD drawer starts to open. The focus remains on the CD drive.

    (5) When the drawer is fully open (takes about 2.5 seconds from selecting "Eject"), the focus moves to the first folder in the list, and the red circle appears, remains for about 0.5 seconds, and then disappears.

    Closing an Empty CD drawer
    (1) Move the focus to the CD drive.

    (2) Display the context menu and select "Load".

    (3) The context menu is removed from the screen immediately, and the drawer starts to close.

    (4) When the drawer is fully closed (takes about 1 second), the focus remains on the CD drive, and the red circle DOES NOT appear.

    So it looks as though the appearance of the red circle is associated in some way with the focus moving from the CD drive to another folder in the list. Perhaps both have a common cause?

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    There's a difference in code terms between load and eject:
    case 607: // Load (only CDROM)
    case 654: // Eject
      if (item == null || item.Path == null || Util.Utils.getDriveType(item.Path) != 5)

    So I guess it's related to the LoadDirectory() call. However LoadDirectory() is more than 500 lines of code. Unless you know what element it is that is flashing, it's a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack.

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