I haven't tried myself (still on iOS 7 here) but there are reports that it's still working fine with Kodi/XBMC and I'm using the same fix as them so should work.
Musik is running with Airplay here smooth. Thanks for that.
But unfortunately, Video is nit running.
When I start a Video, e.g. from VLC, Audio starts, I can see one Picture in the small preview window, but Video is not running. I installed LAV, but no Change.
Who can help?
If you are trying to stream a video from your network I believe that's the expected behaviour (unless somebody can confirm it works with an appleTV). When airplaying a video the device merely sends the original url for the video to MP, if you are streaming it using a custom/non http connection (which you probably are if using VLC) there's no url to pass on, the same applies if streaming from iCloud.
Can you try airplaying from the YouTube website and see if that works?
AirPlay is a good start for a simple basic plugin. If you guys want to make it great, make it work with android too. And if you really want to make it cool, then you should add possibulity to stream from MP to MP... Saying that is cos I´we been useing AirFoil and PCDJ for a synchronize audio system at my house. And with this I could play videos and audios. Create somekind of playlist possibulity and keep on partying...
This seems like a great plugin. But I am having some teething issues.
I am using my iphone 4s on IOS 8.1.2
If I set the application up and not tick the IOS8 workaround option, I can stream music and pictures fine.
But, it will not stream video. With youtube it just doesn't do anything. And with video shot on the iphone it plays the first snapshot photo only. (but it does play the audio from both).
If I enable the IOS8 workaround, and then try a youtube video, it pops up in media portal as unable to play video.
I understand from previous posts that the youtube thing is to do with http etc... , But I cant get that to work from either the app or from within safari.
Im not all that bothered about youtube.
But I would have liked the videos shot on the camera in the phone to play back.
With the IOS8 workaround enabled, if I try to play one of these videos the phone displays a grey screen saying now playing on HTPC, but they after trying for a few seconds MP pops up saying it couldn't play airplay.
I have all the default LAV filters installed. I don't fiddle with those as they have always worked for MP.
Does anyone have any ideas whats going on?