animated backdrops. (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
December 27, 2008
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
hey all

i just tried to make a animated gif as backdrop and it worked... weee... my question is... will mp load the image in the startup of the program, or will it load the image when hovered. cause if it loads the entire image before mp runs it will work smoooth and easy but if it loads while hovering the button where its backdrop it will be laggy as hell...

it might give a bit more loading time for the app to open, but i live with that if i get rid of the lags when image is changing in the home menu if imagepath is used.


Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I used a lot of animated GIFs in my XMAS skin, and all worked perfect. MP stores all images in the MP cache during initialization and loads them from there.

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