[Announce] MPTvClient V1.2.5 (20.12.2007) II (3 Viewers)


Portal Member
November 19, 2006
Home Country
Finland Finland
Hi Strawberry,

Great, I'll try copying that DLL. Let's see if it solves my problem.

Are you sure about "Database=test"?
I checked MySQL database, and I think all MP data is in "TVServer" (if I remember the name correct, could be "TVService" or similar)


MP Donator
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  • September 17, 2005
    The db is tvlibrary

    Had the same problem - couldn't connect.
    After I copied the DLL and used below entry everything works fine.

    <DefaultProvider name="MySQL" connectionString="Server=;Database=tvlibrary;User ID=root;Password=pass" />


    Portal Member
    November 19, 2006
    Home Country
    Finland Finland
    I got the MPTVClient connected with TVlibrary database.

    But now I can't get VLC to show stream.
    I tested on server, and it doesn't work there either. If I connect to stream with IP, it works. If I connect with (server IP), I can't get connected. And so it won't work from clients either...
    What is wrong in my configuration???
    It seems to set stream to address (found in "streaming server.Log"), but where does it get that setting??? Couldn't find in any config file or database.

    Got it! WLAN connection isn't up yet when TVService starts. So that's why streaming server gets IP I restarted TVService, and now I can connect to stream from clients!

    Now I only have to figure out how to get TVService to wait for network connection get up (my USB-WLAN-dongle is pretty slow to initialize, it can take 10-15 sec to get connected)

    MPTVClient rocks!
    Now I can use my old and slow laptop to watch TV.

    Thanks for your help piranha & starawberry!


    Portal Member
    January 5, 2006
    I got the MPTVClient connected with TVlibrary database.

    But now I can't get VLC to show stream.
    I tested on server, and it doesn't work there either. If I connect to stream with IP, it works. If I connect with (server IP), I can't get connected. And so it won't work from clients either...
    What is wrong in my configuration???
    It seems to set stream to address (found in "streaming server.Log"), but where does it get that setting??? Couldn't find in any config file or database.

    Got it! WLAN connection isn't up yet when TVService starts. So that's why streaming server gets IP I restarted TVService, and now I can connect to stream from clients!

    Now I only have to figure out how to get TVService to wait for network connection get up (my USB-WLAN-dongle is pretty slow to initialize, it can take 10-15 sec to get connected)

    MPTVClient rocks!
    Now I can use my old and slow laptop to watch TV.

    Thanks for your help piranha & starawberry!

    Just a little thought for your WLAN problem, when it is available it wil have an ip-adress you can ping to, perhaps this little batch-file will do the trick.
    No warranties or support, just a little hint, tested it on my own tvserver-setup and for me it would work (I don't have the problem though, so I don't need the solution :D)

    Replace with the ip-address you want to find, increase maxcount if the batch-file ends before the WLAN-stack is up


    @echo off
    Rem Set checkip to whatever ip-address you need to have
    set checkip=
    Rem Set the number of times you want to try 5 pings to the ip-address
    set maxcount=2

    Rem Stop de TVservice since it is bound to only
    net stop tvservice

    FOR /L %%a IN (1,1,%maxcount%) DO (

    echo Run number %%a

    ping %checkip% > %temp%\checkip.txt

    FOR /F %%a IN (%temp%\checkip.txt) DO (
    if %%a==Reply (
    echo yesss, we have an ip-stack on %checkip%
    net start tvservice
    goto einde


    Hmmmzzzz, tabs and/or spaces are ommited when you view the post, sorry for that, it makes the file a bit unreadable


    Portal Member
    November 19, 2006
    Home Country
    Finland Finland
    Thanks Strawberry,

    That batch would be perfect, but I've found out that it takes over 2 minutes before my WLAN-dongle gets connected. And that is by far too long. So I have to move to wired connection...


    Portal Pro
    November 23, 2004
    Cannot get it working.

    Alwas recieve: "The settings are invalid."

    When hitting connect.

    My Mediaportal machine is HTPC1, this is what I typed in as host.

    I checked under ODBC datasources under control panel that I am able to build a connection to that MP server, so from a network and server connection kind this looks ok.

    Must be the local side.

    I looked at gentle.config.

    SQLServer is uncommented as provider..

    Defaultprovider: Here I uncommented the following line:
    "<DefaultProvider name="SQLServer" connectionString="Password=htpc;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=TvLibrary;Data Source=;" />

    My password is htpc and the user id sa. So everything seems right here too?!

    Can anyone help me?


    Community Plugin Dev
    August 26, 2004
    West Yorks, UK
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Defaultprovider: Here I uncommented the following line:
    "<DefaultProvider name="SQLServer" connectionString="Password=htpc;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=TvLibrary;Data Source=;" />

    You need to set the datasource attribute, mine's is :

    [I]<DefaultProvider name="SQLServer" connectionString="Password=sa;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=TvLibrary;Data Source=[B]lounge\SQLEXPRESS[/B];" />[/I]

    My password & userid is sa (yeah I know) and the SQL instance is called SQLEXPRESS (the default SQL name) on htpc LOUNGE (yep - it's in the lounge).

    So yours should probably be
    Data Source=[B]HTPC1\SQLEXPRESS;[/B]


    Portal Pro
    November 23, 2004
    I did it as you have described, but it did not help.. .

    In addition I wonder why there is a menu option inside the TVclient.exe application, which does allow he to specify the host? Or is this for communication to the server.. and the communication to the database is something completly different?


    Community Plugin Dev
    August 26, 2004
    West Yorks, UK
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Yes - the Server Connection setting is to connect to the TVE3 service and the connection details in gentle.config is to connect to the DB.

    I have attached a screenshot of the files in my MPTVClient folder and a copy of my gentle config for your info, I seem to remember having to copy in a DLL or two.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <!-- See the API documentation for the Gentle.Framework.GentleSettings class for
                     detailed information on the keys available in the Options section -->
        <!-- the default timeout value in seconds for IDbCommand instances created by Gentle -->
        <!-- whether to enable support for Gentle-managed concurrency control columns -->
        <!-- options: Attributes or XML (XML currently unused) -->
          <!-- options: None, OnDemand (the default), Full -->
          <!-- whether to warn about unmapped columns and other non-fatal errors -->
          <!-- default cache strategy (use only Never or Temporary) -->
          <!-- when true Gentle will try to bypass query execution and compose
                             the result from cached data alone -->
          <!-- the scope within which to ensure uniqing 
                             options: Thread (default), Application or WebSession -->
          <!-- This setting controls the lowest log level emitted. See the
    		                 Verbosity enum for details on the available values. -->
          <!-- Do not edit this unless you know what you're doing. This setting
                     		 controls at what level error conditions are considered fatal.  -->
          <!-- Use values defined in the LogCategories enum to turn logging on/off
            		         for selected categories. The available values include:
    		                 	All (all categories)
                       			StatementExecutionRead (select statements)
                       			StatementExecutionWrite (insert/update/delete statements)
                       			StatementExecutionOther (any other kind of statement)
                       			StatementExecution (any kind of statement; same as all three groups above)
                       			Cache (cache accesses)
                       			Metadata (metadata updates)
                       			General (everything else) -->
          <!-- The following sample first disables all categories, then selectively
                             turns on various subcategories -->
          <Category name="All" enabled="false" />
          <Category name="StatementExecution" enabled="false" />
          <Category name="Cache" enabled="false" />
          <Category name="Metadata" enabled="false" />
                    <Namespace namespace="Gentle.First"  provider="SQLServer" connectionstring="..." />
                    <Namespace namespace="Gentle.Second" provider="SQLServer" connectionString="..." />
      <DefaultProvider name="SQLServer" connectionString="Password=sa;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=TvLibrary;Data Source=lounge\SQLEXPRESS;" />
                <DefaultProvider name="Firebird" connectionString="User=SYSDBA;Password=masterkey;Database=localhost/3050:C:\Code\Gentle.NET\Source\Gentle.Framework.Tests\Database Files\Gentle_Firebird.fdb;Dialect=3;Charset=UNICODE_FSS;Role=;Connection lifetime=30;Pooling=true;Packet Size=8192;" />
                <DefaultProvider name="Jet" connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Code\Gentle.NET\Source\Gentle.Framework.Tests\Database Files\Gentle_MSAccess.mdb;OLE DB Services=-1;" />
                <DefaultProvider name="MySQL" connectionString="Server=;Database=test;User ID=xxx;Password=xxx" />
                <DefaultProvider name="PostgreSQL" connectionString="Server=;Database=Test;User ID=xxx;Password=xxx" />
                <DefaultProvider name="Oracle" connectionString="Data Source=kermit.symbiote.sporadicism.com,1521;User ID=gentle;password=xxx" />
                <DefaultProvider name="OracleODP" connectionString="Data Source=kermit.symbiote.sporadicism.com,1521;User ID=gentle;password=xxx" />
                <DefaultProvider name="SQLite" connectionString="URI=file:c:/Code/Gentle.NET/Source/Gentle.Framework.Tests/Database Files/Gentle_SQLite.db" />
                <DefaultProvider name="SQLServer" connectionString="data source=;initial catalog=Test;user id=xxx;password=xxx;packet size=4096" />
      <!-- IMPORTANT: You must uncomment ONLY the providers that you will be using. If a provider 
                     is defined below, but Gentle cannot find or load the associated library, an exception
                     will most likely be raised! -->
        <!-- list known provider assemblies; the assembly .dll suffix is optional -->
        <!-- Provider name="CE"         assembly="Gentle.Provider.CE" /-->
        <!-- Provider name="Firebird"   assembly="Gentle.Provider.Firebird" /-->
        <!-- Provider name="Jet"        assembly="Gentle.Provider.Jet" /-->
        <Provider name="MySQL" assembly="Gentle.Provider.MySQL.dll" />
        <!-- Provider name="Oracle"     assembly="Gentle.Provider.Oracle" /-->
        <!-- Provider name="OracleODP"  assembly="Gentle.Provider.OracleODP" /-->
        <!-- Provider name="PostgreSQL" assembly="Gentle.Provider.PostgreSQL" /-->
        <!-- Provider name="SQLite"     assembly="Gentle.Provider.SQLite" / -->
        <Provider name="SQLServer" assembly="Gentle.Provider.SQLServer" />
        <!-- Provider name="Sybase"     assembly="Gentle.Provider.Sybase" / -->
        <!-- Provider name="SybaseASA"  assembly="Gentle.Provider.SybaseASA" / -->

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