Apollo One (1 Viewer)


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  • March 24, 2007
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  • January 24, 2012
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    I would not keep breadcrumbs in any screen its unnecessary as the main menu should always be visible.
    Also can an option for mouse/touch support be added to the power button dialog as that is for most people a one time setup option and will only clutter the screen.


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Hmm, good that we have talked about that...

    Until now I wasn't aware of the idea to have "master menu" in all screens like in home. This idea has some problems we need to consider. The main is not the layout, but the navigation itself.

    Consider this example:
    1. On home screen you select "Media Hub" let's name it "tab page" (as only content of the selected tab is visible). You are in "Home" navigation state.
    2. Now select "Series". You leave home state and show series selection. This is "Series root".
    3. You select "Series A". You leave "Series root" and filter for season.
    4. You select a season to get list of all episodes.
    In breadcrumb it looks like: Home -> Series -> Series A -> Season 1

    No problem.

    But now: What exactly should happen when I now click on the link "News" (main tab menu)?

    The button has no effect in this screen, as the menu content is only used inside "home".


    Do you understand the problem? It's the combination of two different layers of navigation: one "horizontal" of main tab menu with a "vertical" of media navigation (as example)

    One possible solution would be to navigate back to "home" screen once you click on any of the main tab menu buttons. But then you leave the series navigation and you have to re-enter all levels if you want go back.


    Retired Team Member
  • Team MediaPortal
  • March 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Ok, I've implemented it exactly this way now: tab menu is visible in all screens. When not in "home", you will be navigated back to home.

    I pushed the changes, please try it how it "feels" :)


    Retired Team Member
  • Team MediaPortal
  • March 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    I replaced the text button by a "power" image button, moved it down to tab buttons. I've added current time to right side as well.

    The breadcrumb bar automatically appears if mouse is used (see image #6 with and #4 without).

    @wizard123 what do you think?
    20141201_01_Home.jpg 20141201_02_Series.jpg 20141201_03_episode.jpg 20141201_04_weather.jpg 20141201_05_news.jpg 20141201_06_breadcrumb.jpg

    Current version is pushed, please run it. Screenshots can't show all details ;)


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  • January 24, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Ok will do probably be tomorrow now, the idea is exactly that where ever you are you can click say mediahub and it takes you back to the mediahub with sub content.
    The problem you describe is why i hate current media center navigation i would love for all plugin content to be accessible in the one main home screen so technically you never leave it.


    Retired Team Member
  • Team MediaPortal
  • March 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    i would love for all plugin content to be accessible in the one main home screen so technically you never leave it.
    I understand your idea.

    But I would say it opposite way: you need to technically leave the screen to provide the correct data for the given state, but the screen don't need to feel this way.

    You can't have all data available at all time concurrently. But we can make all transistions as smooth as possible.

    Please run the current version from git, if it goes into the right direction...

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