App to Copy Artwork and Details to Movie Folder v0.5.6 (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 7, 2008
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
This app will talk to your Moving Pictures database and make a copy of the current movie artwork(cover and backdrop) to the directory of your movie file. This way when browsing your movies through windows explorer or devices like WDTV the covers show up.

With version 0.4 and above you can also create a XBMC compatible nfo file with details from the database(Title, Sortby Title, IMDB ID, IMDB Address, Year, Genres, Certification, Tagline, Summary, Directors, Actors, Runtime, Score). With the current beta release of Moving Pictures 1.0 you can import information from the nfo should you need to re-import or move to a new machine.

With version 0.5.5 you can run the app silently by adding the parameter "silent" (without quotes) after the executable(run normally the first time to setup your options).

This does not change anything in Moving Pictures, it is only making a copy of the artwork/details, Moving Pictures will still point to the standard folders for artwork.

If you do try this app out, reply and let me know how it worked for you, or if you have any suggestions.

Change Log:[COLLAPSE]
Fixed handling of ampersands and special chars when creating nfo files.
Fixed auto creation of nfo file when not enabled.
(11-13-11 | 177)

Added ability to run silently(ie from task manager).
Fixed adding extra </movie> tag to existing nfo files.
Fixed counting of nfo files created.
(10-1-11 | 1372)

Correctly handles line feeds/carriage returns/tabs etc. in database fields.
(3-2-10 | 9)

Native Unicode support, nfo files are now created in UTF-8 format. Also the database exports are no longer converted to ansi as the app can now read UTF-8. App now uses AutoHotkey_L.
(3-2-10 | 48)

Removed details address from nfo files to be compatible with XBMC scraper.
(2-22-10 | 119)

Added Language and Writers options for the NFO file.
Fixed problem when detecting VIDEO_TS folders.
(1-13-10 | 60)

NFO files are now created using the XBMC format which the new version of Moving Pictures can read.
For all movie files stored in a VIDEO_TS folder the app will copy the artwork and nfo file to the parent directory instead of the VIDEO_TS directory.
Logging is now permanently enabled.
(12-29-09 | 46)

Fixed Artwork Coping problems with movies that have special characters.
Added option to prepend the movie's filename(without ext) to artwork, info and link files.
(12-22-09 | 180)

When creating info or link files it checks if the details url field is is empty, if it is it will create your info and link files with an imdb url using the IMDB id.
(10-19-09 | 5)

Seems the UserScore option has been removed from the latest versions of Moving Pictures, that option is now removed from this app, which should fix the info file creation problems.

Integrated logging option into the program to help debugging.
Logging can be enabled from the options menu.

Added more details options for the info file(Genres, Directors, Writers, Actors).
Options are now saved to a config file when changed, so if you run the program again it keeps the options you selected last time.

Added ability to create an IMDB link for each movie in it's directory(this link will take you directly to the movie's IMDB page).

Added more details options for the info file(SortBy Title, Runtime, Rating, User Rating).

Added ability to pull Movie Details from the database and create an info file in your movie folder.
In Options you may enable this functionality and choose a name for the file and what details you want to include(Currently Available: Title, IMDB ID, IMDB Address, Year, Certification, Tagline and Summary).
Also Added ability to choose whether you want cover or fanart or both copied. See screenshots below.

Simple GUI added so you can change the filenames for your cover(default=folder) and fanart(default=backdrop), choose whether to overwrite existing images or not(default is not overwrite), and browse to select your movingpictures.db3 file(in case it isn't in the default location, most should not need to change the default).[/COLLAPSE]

Remember use at your own risk, although it works with my machine and should work with yours I can't guarantee it will work for you(although if you have problems post here and I will help to get them resolved).


  • MainWindow.JPG
    18.9 KB
  • options.JPG
    49.4 KB
  • MP Artwork and Info Copier
    609.9 KB


Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    this is a great idea, thank you!!! i will try it and report back!

    would you be able to add an aditional feature?

    Query movingpictures.db3 and find the IMDB reference, eg. "tt#######" eg. xmen - ttp:// - "tt0120903". Then saves a file called imdb.txt in the movie folder, the imdb.txt contains 1x line, which is the url for the movie

    This would be good, because if you run other copies of moving pictures on different computers it will automatically select the correct match by scanning the imdb.txt file, should you format your computer and loose the database, then rescaning your movie folders would require less user input.


    Portal Pro
    November 7, 2008
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    I was planning on adding the ability to create .nfo files since Moving Pictures will scan for them. Anyone know if there is a certain format for the nfo file that MovingPictures expects or does it just search for the imdb address? Shouldn't take too much work to add that.


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    if you create a txt file with just the url and nothing else it will work fine. (that is what i currently do with my movies)
    by default movingpictures scans both .nfo and .txt files in the movie directory


    Portal Pro
    November 7, 2008
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Updated first post with new version.

    ***NEW(v0.3.0)*** Added ability to pull Movie Details from the database and create an info file in your movie folder. In Options you may enable this functionality and choose a name for the file and what details you want to include(Currently Available: Title, IMDB ID, IMDB Address, Year, Certification, Tagline and Summary). Also Added ability to choose whether you want cover or fanart or both copied.


    Portal Pro
    November 7, 2008
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America

    would you be willing to post the source?

    It is written in Autohotkey(wasn't originally planning on giving it much functionality:), my first version was only a couple lines long, dang gui adds so much), and uses the three files attached, as well as the sqlite3 command line utility. Sorry if it is hard to read, I didn't bother with comments :D

    The latest version requires AutoHotkey_L so it can work in UTF8 instead of ANSI.


    • MP Artwork Copier Source
      246.4 KB


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    I like that you've done.

    Two additional thoughts

    1. Liase with fforde, if it is possible for movingpictures to grab the title information from .nfo/.txt file as well as the imdb reference. If so make sure the format of the .txt/.nfo file is correct. The advantage is for foregin movies when initially scanned have foreign titles, the user subsequently renames them in moving pictures configuration. When your app is run if it stored the user selected title that would be good because future scans could pick up that title.

    2. Option to rename the movie directory based on the movingpictures database, user can input folder name format eg. /%title% (%year)/
    The problem with this option however would be that movingpictures would have to rescan all the files because the folder name is now changed. So therefore not sure if this is a good idea or not.

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