App to Copy Artwork and Details to Movie Folder v0.5.6 (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
August 2, 2008
Re: App to Copy Artwork and Details to Movie Folder

Hey guys..

Can somebody please help me!

I have tryed to use MP artwork and info copier 0.4.1, but witout any luck

I would like to import my nfo files offline, but it fails.

What am i doing wrong ?

23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: imdbid.count = 2
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: imdbid = tt1147684
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: imdbid[0] = tt1147684
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: imdbid[0][0] = tt1147684
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: imdbid[1] = tt1147684
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: imdbid[1][0] = tt1147684
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: executing if: <if test="${imdbid[0][0]}!="><set name="movie.imdb_id" value="${imdbid[0][0]}" /></if>
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: if node left value: tt1147684 right value:
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: movie.imdb_id = tt1147684
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: movie.language =
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: executing parse: <parse name="writers" input="${file}" xpath="//movie/writer/name" />
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Error [ ScraperNode]: Scraper Script XPATH parsing failed: Dataene på rodniveau er ugyldige. Linje 51, position 1.
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: movie.writers =
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: executing parse: <parse name="genres" input="${file}" xpath="//movie/genre" />
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Error [ ScraperNode]: Scraper Script XPATH parsing failed: Dataene på rodniveau er ugyldige. Linje 51, position 1.
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: genres = /
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: executing parse: <parse name="genresNew" input="${genres}" regex="${rx_genres}" />
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: name: genresNew ||| pattern: (?<genres>[^/]+)/ ||| input: /
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: genresNew.count = 0
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Parse node returned no results... <parse name="genresNew" input="${genres}" regex="${rx_genres}" />
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: movie.genres =
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: executing parse: <parse name="actors" input="${file}" xpath="//movie/actor/name" />
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Error [ ScraperNode]: Scraper Script XPATH parsing failed: Dataene på rodniveau er ugyldige. Linje 51, position 1.
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: movie.actors =
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ DataProviderManager]: UPDATE: Title='', Provider='XBMC (Local)', Version=1.0.2, Result=SUCCESS
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Info [ DBMovieInfo]: Added cover art for '' from: P:\test\Forget Me Not (2009)\folder.jpg
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Info [ DBMovieInfo]: Added cover art for '' from: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Covers\FullSize\{} [-1043796824].jpg
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: rx_poster_link = billede.php.fil=(?<MovieCover>[^&]+)
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: executing if: <if test="${movie.site_id}!="><retrieve name="details_page_cover" url="${movie.site_id}&amp;fil=1" /><parse name="posterLink" input="${details_page_cover}" regex="${rx_poster_link}" /><!-- If link found, continue --><if test="${posterLink[0][0]}!="><set name="cover_art[0].url" value="${posterLink[0][0]}" /></if></if>
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: if node left value: right value:
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: executing if: <if test="${movie.site_id}!="><set name="cover_art[0].file" value="${movie.site_id}.tbn" /></if>
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: if node left value: P:\test\Forget Me Not (2009)\movie right value:
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: cover_art[0].file = P:\test\Forget Me Not (2009)\movie.tbn
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Debug [ DBMovieInfo]: File not found. System.IO.FileNotFoundException: P:\test\Forget Me Not (2009)\movie.tbn
ved System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(String filename, Boolean useEmbeddedColorManagement)
ved System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(String filename)
ved MediaPortal.Plugins.MovingPictures.Database.DBMovieInfo.AddCoverFromFile(String filename)
23-Feb-2010 01:15:22 Error [ DBMovieInfo]: Failed loading cover artwork for '' [] from P:\test\Forget Me Not (2009)\movie.tbn.
23-Feb-2010 01:15:23 Info [ FileBasedResource]: Added cover art for "" from:
23-Feb-2010 01:15:23 Info [ DBMovieInfo]: Added backdrop for '' from: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Backdrops\FullSize\{} [-1158719330].jpg
23-Feb-2010 01:15:23 Info [ DBMovieInfo]: Added backdrop for '' from: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Backdrops\FullSize\{} [1310170570].jpg
23-Feb-2010 01:15:23 Info [ DBMovieInfo]: Added backdrop for '' from: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MovingPictures\Backdrops\FullSize\{} [692626765].jpg
23-Feb-2010 01:15:23 Debug [ DatabaseManager]: INSERTING: DBUserMovieSettings ()
23-Feb-2010 01:15:23 Debug [ DatabaseManager]: INSERTING:
23-Feb-2010 01:15:23 Debug [ DatabaseManager]: INSERTING: DBSourceMovieInfo [title='', identifier='P:\test\Forget Me Not (2009)\movie', provider='XBMC (Local)']
23-Feb-2010 01:15:23 Debug [ DatabaseManager]: INSERTING: DBSourceMovieInfo [title='', identifier='', provider='']
23-Feb-2010 01:15:23 Debug [ DatabaseManager]: INSERTING: DBSourceMovieInfo [title='', identifier='27588', provider='']
23-Feb-2010 01:15:23 Debug [ DatabaseManager]: UPDATING:
23-Feb-2010 01:15:23 Info [ MovieImporter]: Added "" (0).
23-Feb-2010 01:15:28 Debug [ DatabaseManager]: UPDATING: DBSetting: Data Provider Management = "manual"
23-Feb-2010 01:15:38 Debug [ DatabaseManager]: UPDATING:
23-Feb-2010 01:15:49 Info [ MovieImporter]: Shutting Down Media Scanner Threads...
23-Feb-2010 01:15:50 Info [ MovieImporter]: Shutting Down Path Scanner Thread...
23-Feb-2010 01:15:50 Info [ MovieImporter]: Stopped MovieImporter
23-Feb-2010 01:15:50 Debug [ DatabaseManager]: UPDATING:
23-Feb-2010 01:15:50 Info [ DeviceManager]: Stopping Disk Watcher
23-Feb-2010 01:15:50 Info [ DeviceManager]: Clearing all drives from Disk Watcher
23-Feb-2010 01:15:50 Info [ MovingPicturesCore]: Plugin Closed


Portal Pro
November 7, 2008
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Re: App to Copy Artwork and Details to Movie Folder

Try the new version, and overwrite all your nfo files, it seems the scraper doesn't work with the details url at the end of the nfo.


Portal Pro
February 19, 2009
Home Country
Belarus Belarus
Re: App to Copy Artwork and Details to Movie Folder

Good day.
I have a problem with the Russian kodirovkoy.MP Artwork and Info Copier Info does not create a file with the Russian description.
Is it possible to solve this problem?
Sorry for my bad English.
Log attached.


Portal Pro
November 7, 2008
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Re: App to Copy Artwork and Details to Movie Folder

I'm not sure it will work with other character sets such as russian, and unfortunately I don't know how to make it work.


Portal Pro
March 6, 2009
Re: App to Copy Artwork and Details to Movie Folder

I know that this is probably a XBMC scraper issue, but I figured I'd post here in case it wasn't. I'm having an issue when importing a movie into Moving Pictures using the XBMC (local) script so that it uses the XBMC compatible .nfo files created from your application. Everything seems to work fine, but I ran into a small issue of what seems to be character recognition. When importing say Brüno for example, it has trouble with the ü character. What it does in Moving Pictures is replace that ü with a diamond with a question mark in it. It does this for any type of special character it seems.

As I said, I assume this is a XBMC Scraper issue, but I just wanted to see if anyone else noticed this. I will try to find the thread for the XBMC Scraper itself and post in there.


Extension Developer
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 10, 2006
    Re: App to Copy Artwork and Details to Movie Folder

    I know that this is probably a XBMC scraper issue, but I figured I'd post here in case it wasn't. I'm having an issue when importing a movie into Moving Pictures using the XBMC (local) script so that it uses the XBMC compatible .nfo files created from your application. Everything seems to work fine, but I ran into a small issue of what seems to be character recognition. When importing say Brüno for example, it has trouble with the ü character. What it does in Moving Pictures is replace that ü with a diamond with a question mark in it. It does this for any type of special character it seems.

    As I said, I assume this is a XBMC Scraper issue, but I just wanted to see if anyone else noticed this. I will try to find the thread for the XBMC Scraper itself and post in there.

    If somebody actually first tests the XBMC Scraper v1.0.2 modifications I've made, then I can finally move on to look at these new problems, including correct encoding. But right now I can't move further, because I'm stuck waiting on v1.0.2 to be verified. (or Google Issue #772)

    Hopefuly somebody can take the time to do so, so that I can work on v1.0.3 and fix the character encoding problems.


    Portal Pro
    March 6, 2009
    Re: App to Copy Artwork and Details to Movie Folder

    I just tested the 1.0.2 XBMC Scraper and it imported all the movie information correctly, however, the character encoding problem does still exist. Other than that, everything seems to be in order for things like language and writers.


    Extension Developer
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 10, 2006
    Re: App to Copy Artwork and Details to Movie Folder


    Post is no longer required due to v0.5+ with Unicode support, and would only confuse.


    Portal Pro
    November 7, 2008
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Re: App to Copy Artwork and Details to Movie Folder

    I'll take a look at it tomorrow and see what I can do...


    Portal Pro
    March 6, 2009
    Re: App to Copy Artwork and Details to Movie Folder

    So Knives03, since you already have NFO files with a title such as "Brüno", which is ISO-8859-1 encoding, you can test my theory and then I can build it out from there. :D
    I've run a few movies with special characters like Bruno through this modified XBMC Scraper and I am pleased to say that it looks like it works fine now :) Akira had several writer names which contained special characters like Bruno had and they all were correct.

    I really appreciate the help I got and I thank you, jmcentire and anyone else involved for all that has been done. :D

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