AW: App to Copy Artwork and Details to Movie Folder v0.5.6
There is an other issue with v0.5.6. Sometimes exotic chars in "Summary" splits the .nfo File in two parts. First file is all up to this char on normal path and the second one resides on C:\ with strange name and the rest of the data. It's easy to reproduce. Just use german OFDB summary for "Transformers 3" and let the app generate the .nfo...
Change back to 0.5.5 and this did not happen again.
If it''s necessary I can redo my copy of Transformers 3 with V0.5.6.
There is an other issue with v0.5.6. Sometimes exotic chars in "Summary" splits the .nfo File in two parts. First file is all up to this char on normal path and the second one resides on C:\ with strange name and the rest of the data. It's easy to reproduce. Just use german OFDB summary for "Transformers 3" and let the app generate the .nfo...
Change back to 0.5.5 and this did not happen again.
If it''s necessary I can redo my copy of Transformers 3 with V0.5.6.