[no Bug] Astra 28 missing channels when scanning (2 Viewers)


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  • January 27, 2005
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    Perhaps the team could agree to be consistent though, by not scanning the following automatically

    EPG Background audio on 11778000 V

    T7 STRM-0
    T7 STRM-1 on 11954000 H

    as this just added to my confusion.

    Yeah that confused me too, the other BBCi channels on that other transponder are flagged as normal channels. this is down to Sky/Freesat not us and how the different services are identified


    Portal Pro
    March 6, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi guys just to confirm freesat epg is broken in 1.2.0b, cant make out the resoning here, why add DJBlu's freesat grabber to the main mepo release to effectivly disable it by not allowing the channel it needs for the grabbing:eek:

    This is certainly going to upset a lot of people using freesat in the uk.



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  • September 1, 2008
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    ...cant make out the resoning here, why add DJBlu's freesat grabber to the main mepo release to effectivly disable it by not allowing the channel it needs for the grabbing

    This is certainly going to upset a lot of people using freesat in the uk.
    Mate, sometimes things just happen. With all the development going on it is not always possible (in fact it is hardly *ever* possible) to know what other developers are doing and how that might affect other features. That's why we release a beta - to iron out issues like this. ;)

    jameson_uk: Do I have this right?

    1. Freesat EPG is confirmed as broken.
    2. The reason it is broken is simply because a channel with service type 12 is not picked up.

    If that is the case then I think we have a few options:

    1. Add a hack to the scanning logic to force it to add that particular channel.
    2. Ask Freesat users to add the channel manually.
    3. Add all channels with service type 12 to the channel list but have them as disabled.

    To be completely honest none of those options are particularly nice in my opinion. In the first case, nasty from a code and maintenance perspective - the Freesat channel name, location (transponder), service type or service parameters (SID etc.) could change any time at the whim of Freesat and users would be in no better position than they are now. In the second case, frustrating for users - adding a channel manually is far from ideal. In the third case, the results of adding all data services could result in confusion for users - I'm thinking about all the questions we'd have to answer like "what is channel data_abc" and "why can't I watch channel data_abc".

    Personally my opinion is that we should take option 2. It is inconvenient, but it is a one-time requirement. There is no dependence on Freesat and no mess in the channel lists.

    What do you think?


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 29, 2007
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    ...cant make out the resoning here, why add DJBlu's freesat grabber to the main mepo release to effectivly disable it by not allowing the channel it needs for the grabbing

    This is certainly going to upset a lot of people using freesat in the uk.
    Mate, sometimes things just happen. With all the development going on it is not always possible (in fact it is hardly *ever* possible) to know what other developers are doing and how that might affect other features. That's why we release a beta - to iron out issues like this. ;)

    @jameson_uk: Do I have this right?

    1. Freesat EPG is confirmed as broken.
    2. The reason it is broken is simply because a channel with service type 12 is not picked up.

    If that is the case then I think we have a few options:

    1. Add a hack to the scanning logic to force it to add that particular channel.
    2. Ask Freesat users to add the channel manually.
    3. Add all channels with service type 12 to the channel list but have them as disabled.

    To be completely honest none of those options are particularly nice in my opinion. In the first case, nasty from a code and maintenance perspective - the Freesat channel name, location (transponder), service type or service parameters (SID etc.) could change any time at the whim of Freesat and users would be in no better position than they are now. In the second case, frustrating for users - adding a channel manually is far from ideal. In the third case, the results of adding all data services could result in confusion for users - I'm thinking about all the questions we'd have to answer like "what is channel data_abc" and "why can't I watch channel data_abc".

    Personally my opinion is that we should take option 2. It is inconvenient, but it is a one-time requirement. There is no dependence on Freesat and no mess in the channel lists.

    What do you think?

    If DJBlu can iron out the issues with the plugin he is developing then the Freesat EPG grabbing will move to a TV Server plugin thus making the Freesat EPG grabbing code in MP redundant.

    Personally I agree that option 2 is probably the best option for MP 1.2 as there is no point developing a whole bunch of code to handle the Freesat EPG if it will be made redundant.

    P.S All this would rely on DJBlu getting his Customer Data Grabber for TV Server implemented in MP 1.3


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 27, 2005
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    Yes, I had a chat with DJBlu and basically freesat epg is broken because it uses a service of type 12 as the sole source of data.

    Adding the channel manually is meant to resolve this.

    The issue with the plugin framework he is working in is that it would need some changes to allow it to tune to services tv server does not know about and this then poses the issue of how you track if/when this channel moves (as has already happened first). I guess we could parse the NIT to get this info but is a bit of extra work...


    Portal Pro
    March 6, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi guys

    Ok I am happy to add the channel manually but when I try this I can not get any data. Can someone post all the data needed to add this channel manually please, at the moment I get "No pmtpid found" so looks like my info is wrong.

    Regards pete


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi guys

    Ok I am happy to add the channel manually but when I try this I can not get any data. Can someone post all the data needed to add this channel manually please, at the moment I get "No pmtpid found" so looks like my info is wrong.

    Regards pete

    OK, try (assuming a normal setup)

    Freq: 11426000
    NetworkID: 59
    TransportID: 2315
    ServiceID: 10530
    Symbol Rate: 27500
    LNB Switch: 11700000
    Polarisation: Horizontal
    DiSEqC: None
    Modulation: Not Set
    Inner Fec Rate: 2/3
    PMTPid: 3600
    Provider: Freesat


    Portal Pro
    March 6, 2007
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi Jameson

    That did the trick, now have the full epg back:D:D

    Thats twice in 1 week you have helped, thanks to you I also have music back agan as well


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