Area: TV
MP Version:
Skin: default
Windows Version: XP professional SP2
CPU Type: intel Northwood 2.8 HT
Memory: 1GB dual channel ddr
Motherboard Chipset: intel 865
Video Card: Gigabyte nvidia geforce 6600GT passive
Video Card Driver: 81.85
Video Card Resolution: 1680 x 1050 @60p (monitor) / 576 x 720 @50i (nvidia custom timings) (tv)
Video Render Type: VMR9 renderless
Video Codec Type & Version: Nvidia purevideo 1.02.177
Audio Codec Type & Version: unshure
TV Card: Terratec T^2
TV Card Type: DVB-T
TV Card Driver: Beta BDA
TV Card: Saphire theatrix 550 pro
TV Card Type: analog PAL cable, hardware MPEG2
TV Card Driver: ATI Theater 550 Pro TV Tuner Drivers -
Optional Log:
Optional References:
Using Silverstone lc 16m-s with iMon VFD and iMon PAD remotecontrol.
My Sapphire theatrix (= ATI 550 pro analog tv-tuner with mpeg2 encoder) produces a much poorer picture in MediaPortal than using the Powercinema software that accompanied the card. Anyone else observe this? I tried using Graphedit to find out what was going on, but couldnt inspect Powercinema. One of the filters when using MP had a parameter set to NTSC, when I have setup my system for PAL. Dunno if that is the problem.
Problems: Little green dots in the bottom 1/3 of the picture. Picture is panned too far down (last line of text is invisible, while there is a 5" black border on the top of the picture).
My idea is that the capture card finds 625 tv-lines (PAL), while my desktop is setup for 576 lines (PAL, active lines), and somehow the last lines are chopped at the bottom, rather than scaled or symmetrically chopped.
By the way, I have played with all picture format settings in MP and the graphic card drivers. It doesnt work because its the video stream in to MP that is affected it seems.
best regards
Knut Inge
MP Version:
Skin: default
Windows Version: XP professional SP2
CPU Type: intel Northwood 2.8 HT
Memory: 1GB dual channel ddr
Motherboard Chipset: intel 865
Video Card: Gigabyte nvidia geforce 6600GT passive
Video Card Driver: 81.85
Video Card Resolution: 1680 x 1050 @60p (monitor) / 576 x 720 @50i (nvidia custom timings) (tv)
Video Render Type: VMR9 renderless
Video Codec Type & Version: Nvidia purevideo 1.02.177
Audio Codec Type & Version: unshure
TV Card: Terratec T^2
TV Card Type: DVB-T
TV Card Driver: Beta BDA
TV Card: Saphire theatrix 550 pro
TV Card Type: analog PAL cable, hardware MPEG2
TV Card Driver: ATI Theater 550 Pro TV Tuner Drivers -
Optional Log:
Optional References:
Using Silverstone lc 16m-s with iMon VFD and iMon PAD remotecontrol.
My Sapphire theatrix (= ATI 550 pro analog tv-tuner with mpeg2 encoder) produces a much poorer picture in MediaPortal than using the Powercinema software that accompanied the card. Anyone else observe this? I tried using Graphedit to find out what was going on, but couldnt inspect Powercinema. One of the filters when using MP had a parameter set to NTSC, when I have setup my system for PAL. Dunno if that is the problem.
Problems: Little green dots in the bottom 1/3 of the picture. Picture is panned too far down (last line of text is invisible, while there is a 5" black border on the top of the picture).
My idea is that the capture card finds 625 tv-lines (PAL), while my desktop is setup for 576 lines (PAL, active lines), and somehow the last lines are chopped at the bottom, rather than scaled or symmetrically chopped.
By the way, I have played with all picture format settings in MP and the graphic card drivers. It doesnt work because its the video stream in to MP that is affected it seems.
best regards
Knut Inge