And you MediaPortal.xml pleaseConfiguration.log attached. Configuration-error.log is empty so i didnt provide it
Here U go
And you MediaPortal.xml pleaseConfiguration.log attached. Configuration-error.log is empty so i didnt provide it
I have a strange issue with AtmoLight. My settings does not get saved. I goto "MP Config/plugins/AtmoLight" and make all my settings.I press save and then "OK" to exit "MP Config.". When go back to settings, all are gone!
which AtmoLight version are you using?
Can you attach Configuration.log and Configuration-Error.log?
Im using and installed it with"MP Extension installer".
Configuration.log attached. Configuration-error.log is empty so i didnt provide it
This can happen, because the connection on startup wasn't correct. Without the connection, the communication with AtmoWin is gone, and the Exit command never arrives. Simply restart MediaPortal should fix the problem.According to the logs atmolight can´t connect to atmowin. Atmolight did start atmowin. I also noticed that on MP Close atmowin didnt close
Fixed memory leak in MP1 UI capture patch
+- GraphicsStream stream = SurfaceLoader.SaveToStream(ImageFileFormat.Bmp, rgbSurface);
86 +- Bitmap b = new Bitmap(Image.FromStream(stream));
87 ++ int pitch;
88 ++ GraphicsStream stream = rgbSurface.LockRectangle(LockFlags.Discard, out pitch);
89 ++ Bitmap b = new Bitmap(rgbSurface.Description.Width,rgbSurface.Description.Height, pitch, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, stream.InternalData);
Fixed memory leak in MP1 UI capture patch
Code:+- GraphicsStream stream = SurfaceLoader.SaveToStream(ImageFileFormat.Bmp, rgbSurface); 86 +- Bitmap b = new Bitmap(Image.FromStream(stream)); 87 ++ int pitch; 88 ++ GraphicsStream stream = rgbSurface.LockRectangle(LockFlags.Discard, out pitch); 89 ++ Bitmap b = new Bitmap(rgbSurface.Description.Width,rgbSurface.Description.Height, pitch, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, stream.InternalData); 90
Frage mich gerade was du hier machst?
Warum definierst du zweimal b aber tust nichts damit?
abgesehen von return b.. welches b denn nun?
Das erste scheint mir zumindest ein dickes Speicherleck zu sein.
Hmmm... überdenk das nochmal.
Habe das nur gerade gesehen war grün also ein neuer Eintrag.@Lightning303 0001-Added-UI-capture-for-AtmoLight-FrameGrabber.patch
ist das was ich gemacht habe
, ist ja nicht mein code, also kannste den gerne auseinander nehmenHabe das nur gerade gesehen war grün also ein neuer Eintrag.@Lightning303 0001-Added-UI-capture-for-AtmoLight-FrameGrabber.patch
ist das was ich gemacht habe
Daher bin ich davon ausgegangen das du dort etwas geändert hast.
Ich will dir nicht zu nahe treten..
Ok! Dann