AtmoWakeHelper - 1.00 - Solution for auto COM reconnect on sleep/resume (2 Viewers)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
    PS : the debug setting toggle is not saved to user.config. or an other stuff because on restart, this option is always unchecked.

    So, atmowakehelper when is used alone, do the script fine, without issue.

    the problem is the conflict between Atmolight and Atmowakehelper.
    Atmowin don't respect the time delay set in setting,
    My issue with atmowin is :
    if the com port is not ready or locked, Atmowin is displayed as "active process" , Atmoligth think it work, but really it don't work and not ready because com port is down.

    so, i have unchecked Start Atmowin with Atmolight.
    Now, on resume Atmowake do the script as Rick say above.
    But Atmolight say, " target lost" before Atmowin is ready i think.
    @Lightning303 can you check if the timing work fine for resume ? and if you can add option for start atmowin on resume too.

    Thank you guy's, sorry to do this test few month after the war...


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  • January 7, 2006
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    Yeah, it currently doesn't save the debug option in case someone forgets to turn if off as its only useful for troubleshooting :)

    We might be able to do a COM reconnect without having to restart AtmoWin but I thought it had some locking issue on the AtmoWin end so doubt it will work right, however can't hurt to try it out though so attached version that does that.


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    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
    I will test it tomorrow. Im not sure restart com without kill atmowin can work. When i tested with unplug usb connexion. Atmowin was always locked.

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