Could be the same reason it can't find the includes .exe file, as the logfile is written to the application root and if somehow that is different it will place it somewhere else on your filesystem (default path of Windows or user account). Could you do filesystem search for debug.log?
/edit: will add a new version in sec with a hardcoded log path to c:\temp
Which was the reason why it couldn't work before the custom AtmoWin location , however the AppUSBDevice location in the log looks correct.
That should be the default location when unpacking AtmoWakeHelper in the AtmoWin folder, does the file indeed not exists at the below location?
Currently it expects AtmoWin and the AtmoWakeHelper to be in the same folder as Atmowin itself as otherwise it would need 2 paths in the config ui as we need 1 for starting AtmoWinA.exe and 1 for USBDeview.exe.
Could change the config UI to make it so you can setup those paths separately however it might get confusing, let me know what you think
Hehe, was working on XAML stuff so this is a nice distraction
Just attached version 1.00 without the debug logging and removed the beta tag since its now stable enough.