Audio gets lost after some channel switches (1 Viewer)

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    I now tested some time with far I could not reproduce the error.

    Would be nice if a few people could confirm FFDShow used as Audio codec may overcome the problem, mainly because of the system wide report of no audio, as below

    I've discovered that, once this occurs, ALL audio is lost from my pc to my receiver, so also all system sounds, everything. My receiver gives me the "no data" message

    If you need to create a bug report follow link in signature on how to.


    Portal Pro
    April 24, 2007
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    I now tested some time with far I could not reproduce the error.

    Would be nice if a few people could confirm FFDShow used as Audio codec may overcome the problem, mainly because of the system wide report of no audio, as below

    I've discovered that, once this occurs, ALL audio is lost from my pc to my receiver, so also all system sounds, everything. My receiver gives me the "no data" message

    I'm very busy atm, but I'll install and test ffdshow as soon as I can. Hope some more people can test this.
    Can you find any hints to whats the cause of this problem in the logs of the op?

    ...And maybe some more people can confirm this problem if they experience the same issues? :D


    MP Donator
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  • September 15, 2006
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I have seen two problems with audio that *may* be related to this thread....
    1. The problem detailed here...
    In which selecting a non default audio stream can cause a reset.

    2. I'm using audio over hdmi (with an ATI) card. I have seen problems of total audio loss for the system. This seems to be caused by powering the TV on/off when connected to the PC using hdmi. It seems to be a fairly well known (but not understood), issue with ati cards. For me the audio could be restored by switching to a different screen resolution and back again (basically causing the display to re-initialize). Allowing the power settings to turn off the display (and then force it back on with keyboard/remote activity), would also re-enable the audio. A clean install of the latest (8.7) ati drivers has also seemed to resolve this issue. I have seen the problem return once (I adjusted the power settings on my PC and the problem seemed to come back), but again a re-install of the 8.7 driver seemed to get things working again (so I can now power the TV on/off and still retain audio).

    It may be that problem 2 above is related to the "complete loss of audio" reported by another user above...

    Hope this helps


    PS I use the ffdshow audio codecs...


    Portal Pro
    April 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    I have seen two problems with audio that *may* be related to this thread....
    1. The problem detailed here...
    In which selecting a non default audio stream can cause a reset.
    Maybe this is related, but this thread is about problems with non HD, non AC3 streams.

    2. I'm using audio over hdmi (with an ATI) card.
    It may be that problem 2 above is related to the "complete loss of audio" reported by another user above...
    Nope, as you can see, we both use Nvidia cards.
    PS I use the ffdshow audio codecs...
    OK...but do you have this 'total loss of audio' problem too?


    MP Donator
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  • September 15, 2006
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi I have had a total loss of audio from my system. But only as outlined in problem 2 above. In this case it seemed to be caused by using hdmi audio, the audio would be lost if I turned the TV off then back on again. I could restore audio either by unplugging and re-plugging the hdmi connector, or by forcing the graphics/hdmi card to reset.... As I said I'm not sure if the problems I have seen are the same as those reported here, but they may be related....



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  • January 28, 2008
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    Hi Guys,

    I just found this thread and possibly I have at least a related problem:

    Did anyone of you find a solution so far?

    What I found out is that audio is fine in the timeshift files of TV server, so TV server seems to work all right. And I can definetely say that changing the audio filter does not have any effect.



    Retired Team Member
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  • October 17, 2007
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    Same Problem here like in the first post:

    "render Audio Output failed:0, trying alternative graph builder"

    I really tried a lot (and i'm no beginner with htpc's) but the sound is getting lost after few channel switches. Also Radio over DVB-C isn't working every time i want to use.

    Big problem:
    The HTPC isn't mine, so I can't try anylonger till Christmas!

    My results:
    Start watching LiveTV with a FloppyDTV-C on XP SP3 and MP RC3 latest download. Sound is present. Channel switching is perfect. But switching to a channel on another frequency sound is getting lost. (9 out of 10 times) BUT: The normal sound is working. I turned on the "skin sound effects" and they work like a charm while TV has no sound!
    Switching TV off and back on, sound is back!

    Using Graphedit:

    TV working with sound:

    *.ts -> MPEG Decoder (sometimes MPA Decoder, don't know why) -> DirectSound Device: NVIDIA HDMI Wave Out

    If sound is lost, the graph looses all connections on sound. If I then try to connect the MPEG Decoder by myself, it says, that the PINs won't work together!

    Seems like MP is loosin some settings?!

    System Specs:

    ASUS M3N-H HDMI (GeForce 8300)
    HDMI connection to TV
    Cyberlink PowerDVD 7
    MP is configured to use PowerDVD7-Codecs and the "Direct Sound:NVIDIA HDMI Wave out".

    The only thing I couldn't try was changing the connection HTPC <-> TV... But I guess, it will work with DVI and seperate sound (not HDMI)

    All the solutions mentioned in this thread aren't working! MP RC1 was working perfectly on the same system with same drivers! (I testes all available drivers)

    I hope someone outthere gives us a hint :(



    Bugreport 1703

    Saw this too late... :oops::sorry:
    Had time to test and it works :D

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