Automatic Refreshrate Changer (2 Viewers)


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  • November 24, 2007
    Italy, North West
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    Italy Italy
    A.r.c. work fine on my system when my plasma is configurated with 720p resolution. It switch fine from/to 50 Hz or 60 Hz (23,976 fps->50, 30 fps->60, 25 fps->50 and so on)
    But it doesn't work from 1080i/25 to 1080i/30 (23,976 fps->25, 30 fps->30, 25 fps->25 and so on)
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  • October 5, 2007
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    Sorry if this has been answered before but I couldn't find a solution. I am in the process of configuring MediaPortal after a system crash and am having difficulty getting Refresh Rate Changer to work like it did before the crash. I have Batch files configured to change the refresh rate but I can only get them to work if I have them in the root of my C drive. My "Action" syntax then is


    If I put them in another folder I can't get them to work. I have tried using the syntax described in the first post but it doesn't work.


    I have tried some other random formats with quotes and single slashes without any luck. I know it's a minor problem, but would like to keep things tidy :)
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    MP Donator
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  • November 24, 2007
    Italy, North West
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    Hi guys. I switched few days ago to a new Plasma, a Panasonic 42ST60, unfortunately the last one from the Japanese company but it's great and work fine with an Htpc with Windows7 64 bit + Amd video card and Media Portal :)

    Please note these images


    As you can see the available frequencies are virtually all that we need, also the specific 23 and 24 and it work fine so with 23 combo value the refresh rate is switched to a frequency near 23,976


    and with the 24 combo value switch to a frequency near 24 instead


    same thing with 59 instead 60.

    so, imho, the double 24 value for Cinema and Cinema24 in the default grid could be improved analyzing the real frequencies supported by the video card and use them in some ways.
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    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hi Red,

    Why dont you set your tv to 23 hz. instead of 75? These are my settings, and they work flawless :)



    MP Donator
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  • November 24, 2007
    Italy, North West
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    Italy Italy
    Hi edterbak. The 75 HZ is a apparent bug of the information dashboard . 'Meas rfsh' displayed item should be the correct value. I've the Media Portal as secondary monitor, the 75 HZ information is apparent related to the primary monitor display, an Asus Lcd with 1440x900 resolution.
    The play is wonderful, stunning motion handling, because the refresh rate is always right.
    I still use MPAR because I use it since I've a Plasma without 24P support, the PV60 series, and now the ST60 does, but probably should be work too with standard audio renderer.
    My post is related to the default value that Team Media Portal assign after a typycal installation to the refresh rate grid. I've reset the 'CINEMA' value to 23 instead the default value 24. because I'm smart ;) but someone could not do it.
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