Avalon Beta ***13-11-11*** for MP 1.2.x (Original Thread) (4 Viewers)

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July 6, 2009
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Re: Avalon Beta ***08-08-11*** for MP 1.2.x

[MovingPictures] medialogos for trueHD and DTSHD


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  • September 12, 2009
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    Re: AW: Re: Avalon Beta ***08-08-11*** for MP 1.2.x

    What do you mean? We already have a runtime label...

    Oh I see, I did only use TV-Series with the option "Enable Infos at bottom of the screen", see screen shot. If I disable it I can see the duration.
    Do you think there's space left to add it to the "Info at bottom" version as well?

    I would like that as well, also i think we dont need Genres there, as the genre is an info about the series and not about every single episode. it is redundant as every episode has the same genre. So replacing genres with duration would be great ;)

    Also mentioning the count of votes again... it would realy help to evaluate the rating if the skin shows how many have voted. e.g. instead of "Rating: 7/10", making it to "Rating: 7/10 (38 Votes)", its a simple change, as it is a mytvseries feature =)


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  • April 19, 2008
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    Re: Avalon Beta ***08-08-11*** for MP 1.2.x

    You already know this skin ROCKS!

    I can't seem to get to the info screen that allowed me to change the offset speed of subtitle by choosing the cc icon on the bottom left icons in the first info screen.
    When I push the info button it goes to the second info screen I realize there are some changes going on there with the tabs and I like it but how do I get to the correct icon to give me the subtitle on/off, offset screen?

    I'M HALF DEF subs are my friends!

    I'm an idiot never mind


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  • February 25, 2008
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    AW: Avalon Beta ***08-08-11*** for MP 1.2.x

    Regarding Music Views: Would it technically be possible to Hide Thumbs on the Genre and Artist Level, but only show them on the Album Level? I think it would look very nice this way :)


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  • November 26, 2006
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    Re: Avalon Beta ***08-08-11*** for MP 1.2.x

    I think i have detected a problem in the skin.

    In the screen TV recording, if I select a record in the list, Mediaportal start playing in fullscreen mode, that's ok.
    But then, if i want to return to the list of recording, i have to do 3 or 4 back and MP is in the home screen. So i have to return to TV screen, then TV recording screen, then selected the good directory, etc...
    A workaround exists if after the first back, I do a left command, and the fullscreen is reduced and the menu is shown.

    Not very usefull.

    It seems, that the back command do not reduce directly the fullscreen mode in TV recording screen

    Does anybody can reproduce this comportment ?



    Portal Member
    August 18, 2011
    Re: Avalon Beta ***08-08-11*** for MP 1.2.x

    Hello and thanks for the wonderful skin that you made its absolutely awesome.

    I have a small problem which I wasn't able to resolve. When I go to Radio, the view shows the Radio groups by default and the channel thumbnails in the middle. I have made thumbs for each channel and it shows up nicely in its place. I also made thumbs for each channel group named it the same way as the group and placed it in thumbs\radio, but I can't get it to show in MP only the default X thumb is shown.
    Is it possible to use thumbnails for channel groups and if it is, where should I place them? If it is not, is there any way to disable the groups for the radio so that only the channels are shown.
    Thanks for the help.


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  • September 11, 2007
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    Austria Austria
    Re: Avalon Beta ***08-08-11*** for MP 1.2.x

    Hi guys, Avalon is an amazing skin, can't say be said often enough...

    A few small glitches I found lately:

    • In the tv fullscreen window, left double-click doesn't bring the channel list (works in default skin)
    • When you change the skin within MediaPortal, the skin translations are not loaded (and the basichome items neither)
    • On the left column of the tvhome guide, pressing up from the "TV On" button doesn't work when no tv is running (teletext is disabled). When teletext is enabled, up will correctly jump to the "Teletext" button, but up from "Teletext" doesn't work.

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