AverMedia AVerTVHD MCE A180 (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
December 8, 2004
North America
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United States of America United States of America
ComputerTimeCO said:
CodeMonkey said:
ComputerTimeCO - What are your impressions of this card? For the price it certainly has my interest.

I have very limited broadcast HDTV programs where I live since cable and mountains own all rights. With the few channels I get, I am impressed overall by HDTV. It is difficult to judge the A180 based on the limited programs, but it seems to perform well. I have found one issue that I'm not sure who is at fault. When the card does not like what a program(software) is doing to it. It has the tendency to reboot the PC. I should know more about this card in a couple weeks. I'll see if I can report my thoughts then.

Positives I've discovered so far:
BDA Drivers.
No problems installing drivers( no cd in box, drivers must be downloaded).
Works well with analog TV cards.
Closed Captioning works without driver/registry hacks.
Output quality is amazing especially considering it is broadcast.


Thanks for the input!


QAM mystery

The product page says that the a180 supports QAM, but there is no mention elsewhere.

I statrted a support question about it, and here is the responce that I got:

"While our card is QAM support, due to legal issue, microsoft operating system will not support it. Only OTA HD channels will be received.

To the authors/programmers of MP, do the drivers have QAM tuning functions exposed? i.e. can you implement QAM where windows WILL NOT?

I have responded to their reply and am waiting to hear more


Retired Team Member
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  • July 28, 2004
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    The Tuning parameters for ATSC BDA cards is handled by the Microsoft ATSC Network Provider.



    avermedias response to QAM

    I think these guys are confused about what I am asking, and possibly just confused. I want to know if I can at least watch unencrypted QAM channels. Is it really illegal to record HDTV broadcasts? Or is it illegal to record the encrypted QAM channels?

    does anyone know what "normal analog QAM channels" are? Is this the unencrypted QAM channels?

    Here is their latest response:

    Ticket Ref : 1849-WHKC-9845
    Ticket Subject : AVerTVHDT MCE A180 QAM support

    For normal analog QAM channels, you just need that software that allows you to
    tune to these channels. Whereas, QAM HDTV, there is no OS or product that will
    legally allow you to do this because of the legal issue mention earlier.

    *NOTE* Please do not reply to this email as it will not be answered. Please
    login to the website to submit replies or requests.

    Customer Care
    AVerMedia USA


    review of the a180

    ok I have been an a180owner for a month. this card is great. for the price its awesome. for the price it cant be beat. since sooner or later we will not need analog no reason to buy one. anyway i have like 4 of them anyway.. you can use this card in graphedit if yu can build the graph.. there are 4 programs including this one that now supports the card.

    you do not need an analog tuner unless you are using this with mce. though yu only need it for setup so yu can pull it but if you have to get back into the setup youll have to add your hardware analog card back in..

    cpu usage is low. but this depends on graph and weather or not you are recording..

    anyway why call aver?? no reason too unless the card frys.. the tuner does get a little warm but so does my twinhan.

    this does not come with any software so if you buy this without mce your choices are limited.. im just glad you all decided to add support for the bda cards.. now off to post my problem with media portal and the a180 ;-)


    My TV Broken with AverMedia A180 in Final

    MP Version: Final release
    Skin: MCE
    Windows Version: WinXP Pro Service Pack 2
    CPU Type: Intel P4 2.6Ghz
    Memory: 1024MB DDR
    Motherboard: ASUS P4P800 Deluxe
    Video Card: ATI Radeon 9600SE
    TV Card: Hauppauge 150 MCE
    HDTV Card: Avermedia A180

    I installed pre and my AverMedia A180 worked fine. The TV recording was jerky, but I could watch TV. Now with Final, I can autotune, but I cannot see any channels.

    I've tried many audio/video filters.

    Anyone have any suggestions?


    Here is my mediaportal.log:

    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM Mediaportal is starting up
    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM   Set current directory to :C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM   Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM   verify that directx 9 is installed
    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM   verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM   Check if mediaportal is already started
    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM   delete old log\capture.log file...
    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM   Check skin version
    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM   Load key mapping from keymap.xml
    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM   Init playlist player
    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM   creating the WINLIRC device
    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM Initialising WinLirc...
    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM Winlirc process not found
    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM   done creating the WINLIRC device
    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM   Init players
    7/18/2005 6:36:01 PM   initializing DirectX
    7/18/2005 6:36:02 PM MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
    7/18/2005 6:36:02 PM texturemanager:dispose()
    7/18/2005 6:36:02 PM TexturePacker:Dispose()
    7/18/2005 6:36:02 PM   Load key mapping from keymap.xml
    7/18/2005 6:36:02 PM   load localized strings from:language\English\strings.xml
    7/18/2005 6:36:03 PM   Load fonts from skin\mce\fonts.xml
    7/18/2005 6:36:03 PM   fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
    7/18/2005 6:36:03 PM   Loaded font:debug height:12 texture:512x512 chars:[32-255] memleft:185597952
    7/18/2005 6:36:03 PM   Loaded font:font10 height:10 texture:512x512 chars:[32-513] memleft:185597952
    7/18/2005 6:36:03 PM   Loaded font:font12 height:12 texture:512x512 chars:[32-513] memleft:185597952
    7/18/2005 6:36:04 PM   Loaded font:font13 height:13 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] memleft:185597952
    7/18/2005 6:36:04 PM   Loaded font:font14 height:14 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] memleft:185597952
    7/18/2005 6:36:04 PM   Loaded font:font16 height:16 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] memleft:185597952
    7/18/2005 6:36:04 PM   Loaded font:font18 height:18 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] memleft:185597952
    7/18/2005 6:36:04 PM   Loaded font:dingbats height:24 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] memleft:185597952
    7/18/2005 6:36:04 PM   Loaded font:font32 height:32 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] memleft:185597952
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM   Loaded font:font48 height:48 texture:512x512 chars:[48-59] memleft:185597952
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM   Loaded font:font72 height:72 texture:512x512 chars:[48-59] memleft:185597952
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM   Loaded font:fontSVT height:13 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] memleft:185597952
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM   Load skin mce
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM   LoadWindowPlugins()
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM   Load plugins from :plugins\windows\Dialogs.dll
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM   Load plugins from :plugins\windows\DotMSN.dll
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM   Load plugins from :plugins\windows\WindowPlugins.dll
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM Opening music database
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM music database opened
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM   Loading references from skin\mce\references.xml
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM   original skin size:720x576
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM Init MPScript
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\scripts
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM opening tvdatabase
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM tvdatabase opened
    7/18/2005 6:36:05 PM xml:skin\mce\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM xml:skin\mce\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM   WindowManager.Load
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM   load calibration720x576.xml
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM   WindowManager.Preinitialize
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM   texturemanager:added:skin\mce\media\black.bmp total:0 mem left:185597952
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM   WindowManager.ActivateWindow
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM xml:skin\mce\home.xml image id:1000 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM   texturemanager:added:skin\mce\media\hover_my plugins.png total:1 mem left:185597952
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM   texturemanager:added:skin\mce\media\background.png total:2 mem left:185597952
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM   skin initialized
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM   DX9 size: 720x576
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM   video ram left:181248 KByte
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM Using European MCE 2005 remote
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM Register for MCE2005 remote#1
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM Registered#1
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM Register for MCE2005 remote#2
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM Registered#2
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM running...
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM Mediaportal.OnStartup()
    7/18/2005 6:36:06 PM Recorder: Loading capture cards from capturecards.xml
    7/18/2005 6:36:07 PM Recorder:    card:1 video device:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture TV:True  record:True priority:1
    7/18/2005 6:36:07 PM Recorder:    card:2 video device:AVerTVHD A180 BDA Digital Capture TV:True  record:True priority:10
    7/18/2005 6:36:07 PM Recorder: tv channel changed:TPT You
    7/18/2005 6:36:07 PM   PlugInManager.Load()
    7/18/2005 6:36:07 PM   Load plugins from :plugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
    7/18/2005 6:36:07 PM   PlugInManager.Start()
    7/18/2005 6:36:07 PM open folderdatabase
    7/18/2005 6:36:09 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
    7/18/2005 6:36:09 PM texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    7/18/2005 6:36:09 PM Total Memory allocated:1.78 MB
    7/18/2005 6:36:09 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
    7/18/2005 6:36:09 PM tv home init:TPT You
    7/18/2005 6:36:09 PM GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=TPT You ts:True
    7/18/2005 6:36:09 PM Recorder:StartViewing() channel:TPT You tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:False
    7/18/2005 6:36:09 PM Recorder:  Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
    7/18/2005 6:36:09 PM Recorder:  Card:2 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
    7/18/2005 6:36:09 PM Recorder:  Turn tv on channel:TPT You
    7/18/2005 6:36:09 PM Recorder:  find free card
    7/18/2005 6:36:09 PM Recorder:  found card 2
    7/18/2005 6:36:09 PM Recorder:  start timeshifting card 2 channel:TPT You
    7/18/2005 6:36:09 PM Card:2 start timeshifting :TPT You
    7/18/2005 6:36:09 PM Card:2 CreateGraph
    7/18/2005 6:36:09 PM DVBGraphBDA:CreateGraph(). 
    7/18/2005 6:36:10 PM DVBGraphBDA: got IBDA_SignalStatistics on node:0 interface:1
    7/18/2005 6:36:10 PM Card:2 timeshift to file:E:\TV\card2\live.tv
    7/18/2005 6:36:10 PM DVBGraphBDA:StartTimeShifting()
    7/18/2005 6:36:10 PM DVBGraphBDA: start graph
    7/18/2005 6:36:11 PM DVBGraphBDA:TuneChannel() tune to channel:4
    7/18/2005 6:36:11 PM DVBGraphBDA:  tuning details: frequency:-1 KHz physicalChannel:16 major channel:1028 minor channel:68 modulation:-1 ONID:0 TSID:1609 SID:69028 provider:unknown
    7/18/2005 6:36:12 PM DVBGraphBDA:TuneChannel() done
    7/18/2005 6:36:12 PM DVBGraphBDA:timeshifting started
    7/18/2005 6:36:12 PM Recorder:  currentfile: newfile:E:\TV\card2\live.tv
    7/18/2005 6:36:12 PM g_Player.Play(E:\TV\card2\live.tv)
    7/18/2005 6:36:12 PM StreamBufferPlayer:play E:\TV\card2\live.tv
    7/18/2005 6:36:12 PM VMR9Helper:AddVmr9
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM PlaneScene: ctor()
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM PlaneScene: init()
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM VMR9: now active
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM VMR9Helper:Vmr9 Added
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM planescene: enabled:False
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM add filter:DScaler Mpeg2 Video Decoder to graph
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM added filter:DScaler Mpeg2 Video Decoder to graph
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM add filter:DScaler Audio Decoder to graph
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM added filter:DScaler Audio Decoder to graph
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM got pins
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM   got pin#0:DVR Out - 1
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM PlaneScene: dispose surfaces
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM PlaneScene: dispose surfaces
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM PlaneScene: dispose surfaces
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM PlaneScene: dispose surfaces
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM   render ok
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM   got pin#1:DVR Out - 2
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM PlaneScene: dispose surfaces
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM PlaneScene: dispose surfaces
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM   render ok
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM vmr9: pin:0 is connected
    7/18/2005 6:36:13 PM StreamBufferPlayer: event:ClockChanged 0xD param1:0 param2:0 param1:0x0 param2:0x0
    7/18/2005 6:36:15 PM StreamBufferPlayer:playing duration:0:00
    7/18/2005 6:36:15 PM planescene: enabled:True
    7/18/2005 6:36:15 PM g_Player.OnStarted() E:\TV\card2\live.tv media:TV
    7/18/2005 6:36:16 PM VMR9Helper: playing->repaint
    7/18/2005 6:36:16 PM PlaneScene: video draw allowed:False
    7/18/2005 6:36:16 PM opening video database
    7/18/2005 6:36:16 PM video database opened
    7/18/2005 6:36:19 PM tv home btnchan:TPT Wx
    7/18/2005 6:36:19 PM GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=TPT Wx ts:True
    7/18/2005 6:36:19 PM Recorder:StartViewing() channel:TPT Wx tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:True
    7/18/2005 6:36:19 PM Recorder:  Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
    7/18/2005 6:36:19 PM Recorder:  Card:2 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True channel:TPT You
    7/18/2005 6:36:19 PM Recorder:  currently playing:E:\TV\card2\live.tv
    7/18/2005 6:36:19 PM Recorder:  Turn tv on channel:TPT Wx
    7/18/2005 6:36:19 PM Recorder:  Found card:2
    7/18/2005 6:36:19 PM Recorder: tv channel changed:TPT Wx
    7/18/2005 6:36:19 PM DVBGraphBDA:TuneChannel() tune to channel:5
    7/18/2005 6:36:19 PM DVBGraphBDA:  tuning details: frequency:-1 KHz physicalChannel:16 major channel:1029 minor channel:68 modulation:-1 ONID:0 TSID:1609 SID:69029 provider:unknown
    7/18/2005 6:36:20 PM DVBGraphBDA:TuneChannel() done
    7/18/2005 6:36:32 PM tv home btnchan:WFTC-TV Minneapolis St. PAul
    7/18/2005 6:36:32 PM GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=WFTC-TV Minneapolis St. PAul ts:True
    7/18/2005 6:36:32 PM Recorder:StartViewing() channel:WFTC-TV Minneapolis St. PAul tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:True
    7/18/2005 6:36:32 PM Recorder:  Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
    7/18/2005 6:36:32 PM Recorder:  Card:2 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True channel:TPT Wx
    7/18/2005 6:36:32 PM Recorder:  currently playing:E:\TV\card2\live.tv
    7/18/2005 6:36:32 PM Recorder:  Turn tv on channel:WFTC-TV Minneapolis St. PAul
    7/18/2005 6:36:32 PM Recorder:  Found card:2
    7/18/2005 6:36:32 PM Recorder: tv channel changed:WFTC-TV Minneapolis St. PAul
    7/18/2005 6:36:32 PM DVBGraphBDA:TuneChannel() tune to channel:6
    7/18/2005 6:36:32 PM DVBGraphBDA:  tuning details: frequency:-1 KHz physicalChannel:21 major channel:1024 minor channel:116 modulation:-1 ONID:0 TSID:1592 SID:117024 provider:unknown
    7/18/2005 6:36:33 PM DVBGraphBDA:TuneChannel() done
    7/18/2005 6:36:41 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome deinit
    7/18/2005 6:36:41 PM texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    7/18/2005 6:36:41 PM Total Memory allocated:4.04 MB
    7/18/2005 6:36:41 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM Mediaportal.OnExit()
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM g_Player.Stop()
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM g_Player.OnStopped()
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM StreamBufferPlayer:stop
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM planescene: enabled:False
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM VMR9Helper:RemoveVMR9
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM VMR9Helper:stop vmr9 helper
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM VMR9Helper:stop planescene
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM PlaneScene: Stop()
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM PlaneScene: video draw allowed:False
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM PlaneScene: deinit()
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM VMR9: not active
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM StreamBufferPlayer9:cleanup done
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM Card:1 stop
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM Card:2 stop
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM Card:2 stop timeshifting
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM DVBGraphBDA: StopTimeShifting()
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM DVBGraphBDA:DeleteGraph()
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM Card:2 DeleteGraph
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM   PlugInManager.Stop()
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM Mediaportal.OnExit()
    7/18/2005 6:36:43 PM MediaPortal done

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