AVerTV remote control plugin (3 Viewers)


Portal Member
January 22, 2007
I installed today the latest svc (with MP v0.2.2.1) and I get a message in the configuration telling me that this plugin is incompatible with current media portal version and it won't be loaded.
I think we need an upgrade of the plugin. Or what should I modify in the plugin to make it work in this version? I would like to know so that I don't have to wait to get the plugin working every time a new MP version is released.

It looks like it needs a recompile, AverTV_Receiver.cs references MediaPortal.Utils.Services which does not appear to exist anymore I've tried changing the reference to MediaPortal.Utils.Time and the dlls compile (against svn--01-20-2007--01-01-Rev12679).

However, I guess it needs more work than I've put in - it works enough for me, the remote is useable, but it errored trying to run the plugin's configuration.

If anyone wants my feeble attempt, just ask...


Portal Member
October 30, 2006
Home Country
Hi AlexPlas.

This is a brilliant plug-in. I've been using it since the week you first posted it.

I know you're probably busy, but do you have plans to update this to work with the latest version/SVN?

Many thanks in advance.


Portal Member
January 22, 2007
It does mostly just appear to be a case of compiling it against the latest version - It confused me to start with (my first time doing anything in C#).

The attached dll file should work with the current SVN build...
Install AlexPlas' latest version, then copy this new dll over the existing AverTV_Remote.dll

Unfortunately, I'm not currently in a position to test it - but it *should* work.

Its unlikely AlexPlas will release an update for the "latest" SVN version - there's at least one new version every day, and each one could be incompatible with the last.
If you really need an update, do the same thing I have done - download a copy of C# Express from Microsoft and follow the instructions available for writing your own plugin.


Portal Member
January 2, 2007
Home Country
Czech Republic Czech Republic
it is compatible to todays svn.

I've aver remote and using this plugin. But i'm not satisfied with response of buttons because sometime it does not detect pushing the button. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance !


Portal Member
January 22, 2007
I've aver remote and using this plugin. But i'm not satisfied with response of buttons because sometime it does not detect pushing the button. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance !

I don't think its anything to do with the plugin, have you tried going to settings (in mediaportal) -> Screen Calib -> Scroll Speed
and changing the maximum FPS to something like 100 ?


Portal Member
January 2, 2007
Home Country
Czech Republic Czech Republic
interesting idea, but sometimes when in viewing fullscreen TV, pressing button to change channel will fail (i've press the button again). I've tried lirc in linux and remote works very well (after IR calibration in lirc) then in MP. So there has to be some wiredness :(


Portal Member
January 22, 2007
I've tried lirc in linux and remote works very well (after IR calibration in lirc) then in MP. So there has to be some weirdness :(

Does the change channel button work some of the time or not at all (I had to change the mappings with my remote - Channel UP worked but not Channel down)

How does the remote work in AverTV itself?

As far as I can tell, if there's some weirdness, its either in the QuickTV part or its a problem hiding in the main parts of mediaportal. The actual plugin itself is fairly simple.

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