AverTVHD A180 users: Not working Yet, Some info here (1 Viewer)

Commodore 64

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  • June 20, 2005
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    rea: Media Portal Program
    MP Version: 0.1.3
    Skin: Blue 2
    Windows Version: XP SP2
    CPU Type: AMD XP3200+
    Memory: 1GB PC3200
    Motherboard Chipset: Asus A7N8E-Deluxe Nforce 2
    Video Card: Gigabyte radeon 9600pro
    Video Card Driver: Cat 5.8
    Video Render Type: VMR9 Renderless
    Video Codec Type & Version: Dscaler
    Audio Codec Type & Version: Mpeg/ac3/...
    TV Card: AverTVHD MCE A180
    TV Card Type: Uknown
    TV Card Driver: latest release available at Avermedia.com
    Optional Log:
    Optional References: any reference

    Last night I received some fantastic help from micheloe regarding this card. We figured out that the DevID of my card is slightly different than any of the ones included in the capture card definitions.xml file. I kept getting a 'cannot build graph' error. But once the appropriate adjustments were made to the capturecard definitions.xml, I was able to add my card to MP and start the tuning process. I've never tuned a digital card (BDA) only analog. It takes much longer.

    I'm still not sure that we got the capture_card_defs completely worked out though because I mapped a few channels, but I cannot get them to display in myTV (I assigned them to the card as well). DO I need special codecs or filters for HD content? Also, every time I get to tuning channel 5, the computer spontaneously reboots. The event log shows a driver error for Wiin XP, but the MP log seems to be in order..it just ends when the computer reboots. Is there any way that this type of error could be caused by MP? Could the card still be misconfigured? OR do I have a hardware/driver issue?

    To recap, I'm able to start the autotune process, and the card found the first few channels. When it gets to Channel 5, the system reboots (I turned off the "automatic reboot" option last night, but I haven't been able to try the rig again, sicne I'm at work.). But since there were 2 channels mapped, I figured I'd see what it looks like. There is no picture or sound though when I select those channels in MyTV.

    Looking at the Avermedia website, the driver revision appears to be new(er), and it enables the use of dual A180 cards in the same system. It might be possible that the new driver revision "broke" the A180 functionality in MP. I'll have a look at this tonight.

    Commodore 64

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  • June 20, 2005
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    Last night I used graphedit to build the graph for the AverTVHD MCE A180. With the latest driver revision (Aver does not make previous driver revisions available), a few pin numbers and the DevID has changed. So I made the appropriate changes in a new capture card entry in the CaptureCardDefinitions.xml file. I started the autotune process and everything proceeded as it should...I was getting ready to fire off an e-mail to DMAN with the update..

    I fired up My TV and I was able to view a channel for a little while. When I tried to change the channel, the TV picture froze and I haven't been able to tune anything since. I'm going to dump some of the logfile here.


    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:196
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM tv home init:WKYC-WX
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=WKYC-WX ts:False
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM Recorder:confused:tartViewing() channel:WKYC-WX tvon:True timeshift:False vmr9:False
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM Recorder: Turn tv on channel:WKYC-WX
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM Recorder: find free card
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM Recorder: found card 1
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM Recorder: start watching on card:1 channel:WKYC-WX
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM Card:1 CreateGraph
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM DVBGraphBDA:CreateGraph().
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM DVBGraphBDA: got IBDA_SignalStatistics on node:0 interface:1
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM Card:1 start viewing :WKYC-WX
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM DVBGraphBDA:confused:tartViewing()
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM VMR9Helper:AddVmr9
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM PlaneScene: ctor()
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM PlaneScene: init()
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM VMR9: now active
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM VMR9Helper:Vmr9 Added
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM add filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM add filter:MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder to graph
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM added filter:MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder to graph
    9/29/2005 10:02:07 PM PlaneScene: dispose surfaces
    9/29/2005 10:02:08 PM PlaneScene: dispose surfaces
    9/29/2005 10:02:08 PM PlaneScene: dispose surfaces
    9/29/2005 10:02:08 PM vmr9: pin:0 is connected
    9/29/2005 10:02:09 PM planescene: enabled:False
    9/29/2005 10:02:09 PM DVBGraphBDA:TuneChannel() tune to channel:2
    9/29/2005 10:02:09 PM DVBGraphBDA: tuning details: frequency:-1 KHz physicalChannel:2 major channel:12 minor channel:3074 modulation:-1 ONID:0 TSID:2253 SID:15074 provider:unknown
    9/29/2005 10:02:10 PM DVBGraphBDA:TuneChannel() done
    9/29/2005 10:02:10 PM planescene: enabled:True
    9/29/2005 10:02:10 PM DVBGraphBDA:Viewing..
    9/29/2005 10:02:10 PM VMR9Helper: playing->repaint
    9/29/2005 10:02:10 PM PlaneScene: video draw allowed:False
    9/29/2005 10:02:16 PM DVBGraphBDA: no video,resend PMT signal level:100 signal quality:100
    9/29/2005 10:02:22 PM DVBGraphBDA: no video,resend PMT signal level:100 signal quality:100
    9/29/2005 10:02:28 PM DVBGraphBDA: no video,resend PMT signal level:100 signal quality:100
    9/29/2005 10:02:29 PM keycode:Escape
    9/29/2005 10:02:29 PM Recorder:confused:topViewing()
    9/29/2005 10:02:29 PM Recorder: Card:1 viewing:True recording:False timeshifting:False channel:WKYC-WX
    9/29/2005 10:02:29 PM Recorder: stop viewing card 1 channel:WKYC-WX
    9/29/2005 10:02:29 PM Card:1 stop viewing :WKYC-WX
    9/29/2005 10:02:29 PM DVBGraphBDA: StopViewing()
    9/29/2005 10:02:29 PM planescene: enabled:False
    9/29/2005 10:02:29 PM DVBGraphBDA:DeleteGraph()
    9/29/2005 10:02:29 PM VMR9Helper:RemoveVMR9
    9/29/2005 10:02:29 PM VMR9Helper:stop vmr9 helper
    9/29/2005 10:02:29 PM VMR9Helper:stop planescene
    9/29/2005 10:02:29 PM PlaneScene: Stop()
    9/29/2005 10:02:29 PM PlaneScene: video draw allowed:False
    9/29/2005 10:02:29 PM PlaneScene: deinit()
    9/29/2005 10:02:29 PM VMR9: not active

    Commodore 64

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  • June 20, 2005
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    So it appears that MediaPortal does not work with ATSC cards. At this time if you are in the USA, you don't get to watch HDTV if you have MP. Yet it appears that there are several ATSC cards on the supported Capture Cards list. People on IRC report that ATSC is broken for MP.

    Can anyone elaborate? Does anyone know exactly what is going on here?

    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


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  • July 28, 2004
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    HDTV works for the Aussies and many sample HDTV streams play just fine.
    Alot more work needs to be done with ATSC its just very hard as Frodo's the only programmer in this area and he's in Europe where ATSC does not exist... know any C# developers who are handy with ATSC and DirectShow ??? Any US based help is appreciated.

    Also can you send me the driver moniker updates please?


    Commodore 64

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  • June 20, 2005
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    I wish I could code and help with the programming. I know nothing of code or Directshow. I did the only thing I can, which is to donate $20 to the MP effort. Hopefully after this winter (Heating with natural gas ...prices are crazy), I can contribute some more money to the effort.

    DMAN, I will send you the moniker updates tonight.


    New Member
    October 11, 2005
    Hey, let me know how I can help/if you have any suggestions on how to get channel information for this card. I'm in NJ and know some C#.


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 21, 2004
    So it appears that MediaPortal does not work with ATSC cards. At this time if you are in the USA, you don't get to watch HDTV if you have MP. Yet it appears that there are several ATSC cards on the supported Capture Cards list. People on IRC report that ATSC is broken for MP.
    This isn't entirely true....my fusion3 ATSC is working....mostly (specs below). I can autotune digital channels and view them in mytv. But there are plenty of things that aren't working right, like my digital fox station being stuck using the spanish SAP and the overlays not working in fullscreen tv after a few minutes.

    i'm not a programmer, the extent of my skills is being able to build graphs in graphedit...but i would like to help out any way i can. I also have a myhd mdp130 in another machine. But after reading plenty of threads at avsforum, I don't expect MP or any app other than the MIT software to be able to use it.

    intel 3.0ghz cpu
    1gb pc3200 ram
    i865 chipset motherboard pulled from a gateway
    radeon 9800 pro
    sound blaster audigy 2
    Fusion3 Gold Q card (the older version with the mulitple inputs) using software/driver v. 3.008

    Commodore 64

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  • June 20, 2005
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    I know that the MP dev team does not have much help from USA programmers. The MP devs are aware of the problem and it seems to be an issue with the EPG grabber.

    SO ATSC isn't really borked, it works, but the EPG grabber is throwing a wrench into the wheel at this time.

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