- June 20, 2005
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rea: Media Portal Program
MP Version: 0.1.3
Skin: Blue 2
Windows Version: XP SP2
CPU Type: AMD XP3200+
Memory: 1GB PC3200
Motherboard Chipset: Asus A7N8E-Deluxe Nforce 2
Video Card: Gigabyte radeon 9600pro
Video Card Driver: Cat 5.8
Video Render Type: VMR9 Renderless
Video Codec Type & Version: Dscaler
Audio Codec Type & Version: Mpeg/ac3/...
TV Card: AverTVHD MCE A180
TV Card Type: Uknown
TV Card Driver: latest release available at Avermedia.com
Optional Log:
Optional References: any reference
Last night I received some fantastic help from micheloe regarding this card. We figured out that the DevID of my card is slightly different than any of the ones included in the capture card definitions.xml file. I kept getting a 'cannot build graph' error. But once the appropriate adjustments were made to the capturecard definitions.xml, I was able to add my card to MP and start the tuning process. I've never tuned a digital card (BDA) only analog. It takes much longer.
I'm still not sure that we got the capture_card_defs completely worked out though because I mapped a few channels, but I cannot get them to display in myTV (I assigned them to the card as well). DO I need special codecs or filters for HD content? Also, every time I get to tuning channel 5, the computer spontaneously reboots. The event log shows a driver error for Wiin XP, but the MP log seems to be in order..it just ends when the computer reboots. Is there any way that this type of error could be caused by MP? Could the card still be misconfigured? OR do I have a hardware/driver issue?
To recap, I'm able to start the autotune process, and the card found the first few channels. When it gets to Channel 5, the system reboots (I turned off the "automatic reboot" option last night, but I haven't been able to try the rig again, sicne I'm at work.). But since there were 2 channels mapped, I figured I'd see what it looks like. There is no picture or sound though when I select those channels in MyTV.
UPDATE: Looking at the Avermedia website, the driver revision appears to be new(er), and it enables the use of dual A180 cards in the same system. It might be possible that the new driver revision "broke" the A180 functionality in MP. I'll have a look at this tonight.
MP Version: 0.1.3
Skin: Blue 2
Windows Version: XP SP2
CPU Type: AMD XP3200+
Memory: 1GB PC3200
Motherboard Chipset: Asus A7N8E-Deluxe Nforce 2
Video Card: Gigabyte radeon 9600pro
Video Card Driver: Cat 5.8
Video Render Type: VMR9 Renderless
Video Codec Type & Version: Dscaler
Audio Codec Type & Version: Mpeg/ac3/...
TV Card: AverTVHD MCE A180
TV Card Type: Uknown
TV Card Driver: latest release available at Avermedia.com
Optional Log:
Optional References: any reference
Last night I received some fantastic help from micheloe regarding this card. We figured out that the DevID of my card is slightly different than any of the ones included in the capture card definitions.xml file. I kept getting a 'cannot build graph' error. But once the appropriate adjustments were made to the capturecard definitions.xml, I was able to add my card to MP and start the tuning process. I've never tuned a digital card (BDA) only analog. It takes much longer.
I'm still not sure that we got the capture_card_defs completely worked out though because I mapped a few channels, but I cannot get them to display in myTV (I assigned them to the card as well). DO I need special codecs or filters for HD content? Also, every time I get to tuning channel 5, the computer spontaneously reboots. The event log shows a driver error for Wiin XP, but the MP log seems to be in order..it just ends when the computer reboots. Is there any way that this type of error could be caused by MP? Could the card still be misconfigured? OR do I have a hardware/driver issue?
To recap, I'm able to start the autotune process, and the card found the first few channels. When it gets to Channel 5, the system reboots (I turned off the "automatic reboot" option last night, but I haven't been able to try the rig again, sicne I'm at work.). But since there were 2 channels mapped, I figured I'd see what it looks like. There is no picture or sound though when I select those channels in MyTV.
UPDATE: Looking at the Avermedia website, the driver revision appears to be new(er), and it enables the use of dual A180 cards in the same system. It might be possible that the new driver revision "broke" the A180 functionality in MP. I'll have a look at this tonight.