Banners not showing, red cross in config (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
October 15, 2008
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hey guys,

Its been a while since I been back to the forum. I just done a fresh install of Vista Ultimate x64 and reinstalled MP (v1). Was so happy when I saw V1 released thanks!

However I didn't realise that there would be a new TV-Series and Skins released also for MP V1.

Anyway I used my old TV-Series plugin (2.0.765) and added all my TV episodes again. However this time none of the Series Banners would work. In fact no images work whatsoever! This didn't even work in the plugin config after downloading all the images and banners associated with each series. All I would get in place of the Series banner is a big red cross. In MP itself nothing would appear, just the name of the series in standard text.

So I found the latest version of TV-Series and installed that (very happy and thanks again!) however it still didn't work, the series banner wont appear in MP or TV-Series config (although no red cross in the new plugin).

By the way this is using the Blue3wide skin.

If anyone has had the same problem and sorted it I would be greatful if you could share! I can't find any threads with the specific situation as this.

Thanks in advance!

OK I think I found the reason but I need to know if there is a way to re-download all the banners/images for each series without having to clear the database and start again?

I think it was Kaspersky blocking the downloaded banners, in the folder with all the artwork there were blank image files.

So I have disabled the banner/ad blocker in Kaspersky now so hopefully if I re-download all the artwork then it should work.

just need to know if there is a way to do this without starting from scratch. Thanks!


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  • June 10, 2007
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    Just open up Explorer and browse to your MediaPortal thumbs directory (C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs) and delete MPTVSeriesBanners.

    You may also need to delete the 'Fan Art' folder as well if they are blank.


    Portal Member
    October 15, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    ok thats done, now what? it should re-download automatically when I start MP? Its not doing it in config.

    oh thanks by the way!


    OK! I got that working, so now I can see all the banners in the config! thanks ltfearme!

    However I have another problem now! Now the banners will not show in TV-Series when you start MP! The enitre layout of the TV-Series has changed. Now for the series view instead of the banners it looks more like the episode view?!?! help....


    ok i think that was a skin problem!

    I had the old Monochrome skin installed, then updated to the new version which is supposed to be MP v1 stable (although MP still informs me that it is out of date on start-up)

    then i switched back to blue3wide and the banners are showing. However again!! Some banners are not showing, i'm getting this error:

    ImageLoadFast threw an error

    no idea what this is?!?

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