I tried out this new plugin - Google Maps/Earth.
He is also using the System.Data.SQLite.dll, and both plugins cannot run at the same time due to the different version System.Data.SQLite.dll and Locations.
I mentioned this to Lars, so he is also aware.
Yes, this was intentional, for some reason it seemed to need to have the level set to report the correct level even when sending ON/Off commands.On level devices, when I turn them ON it send sendplc a1 ON, and them immediately sendplc a1 bright 100. Which is okay, but not necessary - except maybe to show the right image? This happens when I use the up arrow, or toggle.
The real issue, is when I try to turn it OFF, it does sendplc a1 off, and then immediately sendplc a1 dim 100. The light itself appears off, but the image displays ON, which the level image of 0 (no yellow bars). This happens when I use the toggle to turn it off.