Basic Home Automation via xAP BSC enabled devices (updated 9-01-2008) (2 Viewers)


New Member
January 22, 2007
Bailen, Jaen
Home Country
Spain Spain
Hello another time Patrick:

I make this:

1-I install X10-CM1xConnector_Service-v1.0.1587.36821.
The service is installed and runing
2-Configure with X10-CM1xConnector_GUI-v1.0.1587.36821 the serial port of cm11.
In the window of the Gui in details :CM11/12 connector started on com2:
firewall of windows ok for pass
i run Mp and no work , but if the Gui console is open or dos console is open work ,if no open the gui or dos console no

I look in the task manager and X10-CM1xConnector.exe is runin(is the service)

Thanks for your time.



Portal Member
December 3, 2006
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Good Evening, Patrick!

OK, I got a little inspired so try the attached xml file
for the bluetwo wide. Sounds like you already copied all the images
to the b2 media folder.

Let me know if it works ok and I will add it to the download.

Wow, this is some super fast service! I did not even get a chance yet to look into the xml structure for MP skinning and you already have the whole thing done!
It works beautifully and displays perfect on BlueTwo Wide now. All references to graphics, etc. work, so I would say it's ready to be packaged with the plug-in.

Again, thank you so much...I really enjoy this plugin, and probably will start to look into some sensors next, now that X10 control and my lighting scenes are all programmed.

Oh, ok, maybe one more question, even if it is not directly related to your plugin, but do you have any idea if the connector (or maybe two of them?) can control multiple CM11's, as my first house code is pretty much filled and I guess that would be the only way of adding more devices...

Have a great night,
:D Marcus.


Portal Pro
April 20, 2005
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Hello another time Patrick:

I make this:

1-I install X10-CM1xConnector_Service-v1.0.1587.36821.
The service is installed and runing
2-Configure with X10-CM1xConnector_GUI-v1.0.1587.36821 the serial port of cm11.
In the window of the Gui in details :CM11/12 connector started on com2:
firewall of windows ok for pass
i run Mp and no work , but if the Gui console is open or dos console is open work ,if no open the gui or dos console no

I look in the task manager and X10-CM1xConnector.exe is runin(is the service)

Thanks for your time.



Got a little distracted :)

Have you tried:
-Stop the X10-CM1xConnector_Service
-Configure with the GUI, and exit
-Restart the X10-CM1xConnector_Service



Portal Pro
April 20, 2005
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
It works beautifully and displays perfect on BlueTwo Wide now. All references to graphics, etc. work, so I would say it's ready to be packaged with the plug-in.

Great, glad its working ok.

Oh, ok, maybe one more question, even if it is not directly related to your plugin, but do you have any idea if the connector (or maybe two of them?) can control multiple CM11's, as my first house code is pretty much filled and I guess that would be the only way of adding more devices...

I am really not sure...sorry.


aasmund Nordal

Portal Pro
June 20, 2005
Home Country
Norway Norway
ok. Thats nice:)

I try to understand how to do this, but whitout success.

First I try to install the homeseer plugin, as told on the guide from plugins hompepage:

First step - Download
Download the msi file from ....etc

what msi file?
is it "Install xAP X10 Connector (GUI).msi" ?
That is the file I now installed in homeseer folder.

I also downloaded the plugin "hspi_xAP.ocx" into homseer plugin folder.

I try to select the xap interface in homeseer but I cant find it.

Is my MSI file wrong?


Portal Pro
April 20, 2005
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
I try to understand how to do this, but whitout success.

First I try to install the homeseer plugin, as told on the guide from plugins hompepage:

If you are running HS 1.x I think you need to put hspi_xAP.ocx file in
the HomeSeer folder (sounds like you did that).

At a command prompt, navigate to your HS folder and register
the OCX file using the following:
%windir%\system32\regsvr32 hspi_xAP.ocx

Start Homeseer and go to the page where interfaces are
installed and look for the xAP Conduit and enable it.


aasmund Nordal

Portal Pro
June 20, 2005
Home Country
Norway Norway
thank you! :)
This was new information for me.

I placed the file in homseer folder and plugins folder, registerd both, restarts homeseer, but xAP Conduit is not there.

Now I am going to bed. I wil try to figure it out tomorrow.


Portal Member
December 14, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I just found this thread Patrick (referred by a user of your plugin). First of all congratulations on the plugin - it looks really useful to a lot of people, nicely implemented and your support seems really good too :)

If there's anything I can help with from the xAP side then I'll try my best as I am heavilly involved with the specifications there , and also the BSC schema. I don't however (currently) use Media Portal but I do use xAP extensively in my own HA setup. I'll also try help on the HomeSeer side (although I didn't author that plugin) if that helps , as I don't know if you use HomeSeer yourself Patrick.

Cheers - and well done , Kevin

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