Is there a fix guys? This is not working at all on my system now.
@alturismo - you need to install the 'Other Browsers' version of Flash from their website
Here are some screens from me here, i installed the "other browser flash" from adobe, tested on 2 systems here now with same results,
on yogamour i see a split of a second the start screen from the video but then its blacked out
gamersyde looks like no player is found at all, bundesliga also as there would be no flash installed.
computerbase theres no start trigger
anything i have to do additionally to reg flash to this browser ?
Hm, it seems that the update isn't going that well. Can you uninstall the plugin and manually remove the (from C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache) and the xulrunner folder in C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal.
Then you should be able to run the new installer without any problems