bug:Album View with more same album names displays wrong (3 Viewers)


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  • November 1, 2006
    Cape Town
    Home Country
    South Africa South Africa

    As of "Revision:16603" the Music-Database is still not functioning correctly. I'm experiencing two problems, which are as follows:

    1) If you have multiple albums from the same artist, only the first album is detected an displayed. I've always taged it as follows, and have never had any problems until now:
    Artist = Nirvana
    Album-Artist = Nirvana

    2) If you have an album with multiple artists, the album is showing empty (no songs). I've always taged it as follows, and have never had any problems until now:
    Artist (for song1) = Maroon 5
    Album-Aritst (for song1) = Various Artists
    Artist (for song2) = Madonna
    Album-Artist (for song2) = Various Artists

    Part of my testing was to delete the music-database, and to rebuild it from scratch.

    The last SVN tried was "Revision:16611"......


    Portal Pro
    July 31, 2006
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Albums with 1 artist show up good in SVN build of 8-12-2007
    Albums with multiple artist now don't show up in albumview at all.

    Looks like there's something that tells: don't show albums with albumartist "Various Artists", but albums with albumartist "Phil Collins" show good. I can't understand the difference between these 2 examples, only the albumartist and albumname should be taken into account on this view. The artists of the songs in this album should not make any difference in this view.

    hope you can spend some time again to look at this hwahrmann, but thanks anyway for your efford so far.


    Portal Pro
    July 31, 2006
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hi hwahrmann,

    It seems like you tackled the problem right this time, my Albumview looks fantastic now! Thanx!


    Portal Pro
    May 17, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hey guys,

    which SVN did you use to fix things? I've been following this issue closely, and I see the fix was introduced with SVN16617, but I'm a bit concerned with the other errors this SVN and the later one (16619) seem to have introduced (according to the SVN threads). Have you had any other troubles introduced by the SVN you used?


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