[Bug] MovingPictures 1.3 and 1.2.3 retrieves wrong Covers (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
April 7, 2011
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Germany Germany
Hi all,

is there a quick and proper way to get rid of the once wrongly scraped backgrounds and let a non-buggy scraper refresh them? I have about 200 of my movies with this UFC background. And I wasn't using MovingPictures back then. It clearly comes from the scraper for OFDB. The only solution known to me is to manually edit all the affected movies to delete the backdrop-path and -filename from the movie properties page and manually insert the path to the manually downloaded background e.g. X:\movies\screamers\backdrop.jpg. But that's not a proper solution.


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  • January 23, 2008
    South Central Wisconsin
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    Problems with movies of same name, but different years.

    Alice In Wonderland (1951) and (2010) retrieves the same fanart and cover (from 2010)
    Frankenstein (1931) and (1994) retrieves the same fanart and cover (from 1994)
    Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) and (1978) retrieves the same fanart and cover (from 1978)
    Jason and the Argonauts (1963) and (2000) retreives the same art (from 1963)
    The Mummy (1932) and (1959) retrieves the same fanart and cover (from 1959)
    The Phantom of the Opera (1925) and (2004) retrieves the same fanart (from 2004)

    1- IMDB+ (4.3.8)
    2- themoviedb.org
    3- imdb.com
    4- XBMC (Local)



    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    @2BitSculptor, seeing as I saw you are using IMDb+. I've tried to solve the problem of movies sharing the same title using the same fanart by adding a ton of titles to the IMDb+ rename system (normally used to group movie series together).

    Your Alice in Wonderland (1951) should have been renamed to: "Alice in Wonderland (Cartoon)"

    as per:

     <rename id="tt0023753" title="Alice in Wonderland (Original)" />
     <rename id="tt0043274" title="Alice in Wonderland (Cartoon)" />
     <rename id="tt0164993" title="Alice in Wonderland (TV)" />
    This leaves the (2010) version free to be "Alice in Wonderland", as most users will just have that version.

    Do you have the IMDb+ rename system disabled?

    I didn't check the other titles you provided, the entire list is available @ http://code.google.com/p/imdbplus/source/browse/trunk/Rename dBase IMDb+ Scraper.xml

    If you have suggestions for more entries, there is a special thread over on the IMDb+ forum :)


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    yes, it is turned on.

    Thanks for the hints
    I would have thought that year and IMDB number would have been sufficient to tell them apart.

    Is is an open issue in MovPic still, it only uses the "title", so it is first-come-first-serve on the backdrops. The IMDb+ method is a workaround fix sorta speak. I saw your suggestions in IMDb+ thread, will get to those soon :)


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 23, 2008
    South Central Wisconsin
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    United States of America United States of America
    with the custom names I added (to mine), I had to delete the old paths so the new (correct) backdrops were pulled. On a rescan, I still had to cycle the covers to get the right ones. but all is good now.


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    Yes, IMDb+ is also only able to correct this on pure initial import, so you have to send all conflicting movies that share the same title to the importer at the same time. But if you already solved it, then no reason to go through that :)

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