Welcome to the club! I'm a Delphi veteran toojon230873 said:I have tried the plugin document, again another Delphi programmer trying to make it in the world of C#
Yeah, meanwhile guilib is integrated in CORE.DLL, so simply addCan't find the guilib refrence
a reference to CORE instead of guilib and it should be fine.
and unsure what step 12 is staying.
Well the ISetupForm is the "interface to implement" which means that your plugin class MUST at least contain all the procedures listed in step 12.
This is what will be done in step 14.
To indicate that you want to implement this interface, you have to add the ISetupForm like this:
public class SetupForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form, ISetupForm
which means that SetupForm inherits from the FORM class but at the same time implements ISetupForm.
Hope that helps.... otherwise just ask!