Call for tester for 1.4.0 features and fixes (1 Viewer)

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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    This Area51 thread will provide you with currently builds of my working branch.

    1st Post always contains the recent test build and updated information about it.


    If you are affected by one of the listed Mantis issues please test and provide feedback if the issue was solved or if new issues were introduced (regressions).

    List of Mantis issues and features included that currently need testing!
    Known Issues:
    • XP support may be broken in parts (don't have a XP VM anymore, nobody did complain so far)
    • Some plugins are not compatible anymore. Disable the plugins: HTPC Info. WorldWeather light only doesn't refresh. BrowseTheWeb was recently updated, make sure you have the latest version installed.
    Current Build (intended to be tested with Titan Skin):
    • Build_001.7z from December 14th 2012
    • Build_002.7z from December 15th 2012 - fixed Hanging on D3D init.
    • Build_003.7z from December 16th 2012 - fixed black screen
    • Build_004.7z from December 17th 2012 - updated WM_DISPLAYCHANGE handling
    • Build_005.7z from January 7th 2013 - removed exclusive fullscreen mode
    • Build_006.7z from January 8th 2013 - removed all D3D device resets
    • Build_007.7z from January 17th - start working on resume/suspend related issues
    • Build_008.7z from January 21st - fixed failure of playing .ts files.
    • Build_009.7z from March 4th - updated to RC, added thread plugin loading/starting
    • Build_010.7z from March 4th - added missing TVPlugin.dll and increased worker threads
    • Build_011.7z from March 4th - fixed high CPU usage during playback
    • Build_012.7z from March 16th - upgraded build to MP 1.3.0
    • Build_013.7z from March 16th - changed startup sequence to avoid a black screen on plugin starting when always on top is enabled.
    • Build_014.7z from April 3rd - added new options to configuration.exe, minor fixes
    • Build_015.7z from April 4th - additional work on suspend/resume, various Mantis tickets.
    • Build_015a.7z from April 5th - forgot a binary in the archive, sorry guys,
    • Build_016a.7z from April 5th - fixed various smaller issues
    • Build_17.7z from April 10th - fixed issue where default font was not loaded
    • Build_18.7z from April 11th - corrected Configuration.exe issue
    • Build_18a.7z from April 11th - fixed autostart regression of Build 18
    • Build_18c.7z from April 16th - sorting out screen selector issues
    • Build_19.7z from April 18th - general update / merged current master into it (BASS rework)
    • Build_19a.7z from April 18th - added missing binaries from BASS rework
    Installation Instructions based on 1.3.0 (replace the following files, make backups first!)
    • Replace all files in your MediaPortal Installation Directory with the ones in the Build_*.7z archive
    • Replace the Skin files inside Skin_Files.7z with the ones under ProgramData/TeamMediaPortal/MediaPortal (optional, only involves settings inside MP)
    For Backup something like renaming the files to e.g. Mediaportal.exe.orig should be or better back up the hole Folder.

    General things to test and know
    • Start MP > shutdown TV and/or receiver > turn back on again. Also stress test this. During playback and not.
    • Start MP > Hibernate > wake cycles
    • Start MP > Sleep mode > wake cycles
    • OSD behavior with TV watching/zapping
    • Playback behavior. Lot dropped frames or judder introduced?
    • When MP loses focus (alt-tab etc.), it might be minimized to TRAY (lower right white arrow up). Rightclick + restore is the general way forward.
    • Mouse Cursor Issues
    • Screen Selector
    If you see any other unusual behavior, please report it. Make sure you mention how to reproduce the issue. As always, provide a log with it!


    • Skin_Files.7z
      142.2 KB
    • Build_19a.7z
      3.6 MB
    Last edited:


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 25, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    okay I made some tests :)

    the foldernames are tellung you what I did:
    e.g "1. start_no_RDP_fullscreen_FAILED-initialisiere DirectX"
    this was the first start, without RDP (=> I was in front of the real computer MP is running on), start MP in fullscreen, this failed, Splashscreen showed all the time "Initalisiere DirectX"
    this was the most common issue, logs are attached, with a screenshot in one case, if you have any further questions, ask :p


    Portal Pro
    February 15, 2011
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium

    installed only client,
    now problems with DirectX



    Retired Team Member
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  • July 25, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    I think you have different problems:
    2012-12-15 13:53:57.220858 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: The database backend (provider MySQL) could not be reached.

    Check your Gentle.config in under "USERDATA/Team Mediaportal/MediaPortal"
    <DefaultProvider name="MySQL" connectionString="Server= ...
    Maybe your pw of the MySQL server was reseted due to the update or you have a wrong one in your gentle.config


    Portal Pro
    February 15, 2011
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    The tvserver is not installed (i believe my anysee tvcard is not fully supported in this version)



    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Removed the first build, as I am preparing the next one.

    Should be up in a few hours.
    Last edited:


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    From the Logs I am able to reproduce the the "hanging at the D3D Initialization" when a full-screen splash-screen is used. :)

    When we create a D3D full-screen device in a border-less full-screen WinForm the screen goes to black, because we haven't rendered anything yet with D3D. There is no way to circumvent this with when we use pure C# for the device creation.

    Hiding the form, so that you can see the Splash-Screen (running in a different form, in another thread) cannot be done by the usual form controls at this point, because the full form handling is not yet in effect at this point it time. In other words: we are not active until some resources are loaded. :unsure:

    The current master first creates a windowed D3D device as a workaround and later switches to full-screen. This results in longer startup times as the resources are loaded two times. Once just for the sake of splash-screen and then for real. (n) Not acceptable by my standards.
    To solve that I use a call to ShowWindow(Handle, SW_MINIMIZE) for the Win32 API to minimize the window. Hey, this works great. The empty D3D screen goes into the background and the splash screen is visible. (y)

    And now the kicker: This doesn't work if NO OTHER window on the Desktop is visible. :(

    As soon as there is at least one window on the Desktop it works fine and the ShowWindow() call doesn't hang.

    Now why does it? It seem to be caused by the Splash-Screen Form itself. I am not big on debugging this one as I intend to replace it with proper D3D calls anyway. But there must be something inside its form handling, probably because the thread doesn't do any message handling. :(

    Solution for now: Move the SplashScreen.Run() call after creating the DirectX device and everything works fine. :sneaky:

    Will do some tests now and provide the updated binaries later and do a GIT commit. :D
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    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    New build up in 1st post.

    Hanging on DirectX init fixed because of your help. Will now continue with the RDP related tests.
    Also added debugging information which application is requesting a focus changes for potential issues where MP minimized to tray and shouldn't.

    If you have time please test.


    Portal Pro
    November 1, 2006
    your second version seems not to work :-(
    Just a black screen after switching receiver off and after some minutes on again. Had to close mEpO by alt f4 or via taskmanager. MePo was idle and is connected via hdmi via the receiver to the tv...
    But thanks for your work! Relay hate this problem....
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