Calling all users: Post your GUI inconsistencies (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
January 23, 2006
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England England
When quitting images in My Weather you are dumped back to the main menu rather than the weather forecast page.


Portal Pro
April 22, 2006
In the context menu if you ask MP to delete a file it mounts it in daemon tools instead , at least for me.
I know the ISO was not mounted already.


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  • September 29, 2005
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    after switching form shares to DB mode a few times, the layout of the shares txt gets mixed-up.

    see the duration of the mp3 files

    430 does not correspond to the track duration of the first track


    Portal Member
    March 31, 2007
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    Apologies, I'm b/n upgrades to my HTPC, so some of this is from memory.

    I'm using, with BlueTwo wide, with one of the recent SVN (to be confirmed).
    I've set up the use of 64x64 pixel channel logos and they're fine in the EPG.

    However, when you're viewing the actual channel EPG (where you get the times listed vertically, with the corresponding programmes next to it) the channel logo at the top is cropped/squished.

    edit: Ooops.. need to confirm whether this is still present in the 4:3 BlueTwo.


    Portal Pro
    December 26, 2005
    London, United Kingdom
    With today's SVN (09/04/2007), and previous versions with the rotating home screen:

    Pressing right (or left) twice in quick succession causes some odd graphics. The behaviour is slightly different with different skins: On Blue2 (or whatever the default skin is called), it seems to cause two animations to play at once, on top of one another, of each icon moving both from position 1 to position 2, but simultaneously from position 2 to position 3. After the animations finish, the icons sit in the right position. With the SpinSafe Revolve Skin, the icons simply jump from one position to their penultimate one, before gliding gracefully for the remainder of their journey.

    I would expect the icons to accelerate to a set top moving speed when you repeatedly press (or hold down) a left/right key, until you release it.

    Furthermore, if the mouse cursor is brought over the rotating home screen, the icons disappear completely, replaced with two giant triangles, "<>", in the middle of the screen.

    Also, if I disable say, pictures, the icon for it is shown in the home screen anyway. Selecting it does nothing, so it seems unnecessary (and confusing) for it to be there.

    If I'm watching TV, or a video, and I go to the Music Now Playing screen, I get a large black box on the right hand side of the screen which stays on top of everything, even full screen video.

    Frequently the interface appears to hang, particularly when going to the root menu of shares, scheduling or cancelling recordings, navigating through the TV guide and reaching an item with a recording, et c. Until these problems can be optimised, these should have waiting symbols displayed, and the remainder of the interface needs to remain active during this time until the information is available.

    On the note of searching for recordings, I don't understand the point of having a separate on screen keyboard for typing in passwords for shares and for searching for recordings. The numeric keyboard is a great idea, but surely they can be integrated together, for consistency's sake. Also, if I type in (via keyboard or numerically on remote control) certain letters, particularly "a" and "l", they appear twice even though I have typed them once. So if I'm searching for "Falklands" and I type this in, what MediaPortal thinks I have typed is "Faallkllaands". I have to press backspace after these double letters to resolve the issue. If I press R to record what I'm watching in the background, MediaPortal first asks me "Do you want to record what you're watching", then after I respond, inserts a letter R into the search box.

    Also, once I've coaxed this into working, I find that if I select something on this list of Falklands-related programming to record, once I go back, my search is gone! I have to repeat the process if I want to record several Falklands-related programmes.


    Portal Pro
    May 3, 2006
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    Italy Italy
    In MyMusic, Big Icons view, the "up" MCE button (and the cursor up key) does not move the selection up but moves it to the last object.

    Also, the "Search" button does actually open the playlist screen.

    Latest SVN, BlueTwo Wide skin.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 29, 2005
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    the preview window of my tv in the tv guide is not the same size as all the other preview windows in the lower left corner


    Portal Pro
    December 31, 2006
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    When quitting images in My Weather you are dumped back to the main menu rather than the weather forecast page.

    This may not be a Blue Two problem, I experience this with the stable release and Project Mayhem 3 1.6 on my main HTPC.

    Also with a two week old SVN and Spinsafe Revolve(newest) on this comp. Same behaviour exhibited.



    Retired Team Member
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  • September 29, 2005
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    switching from shares to DB mode in music leave bottom txt unchanged

    switching from shares to DB mode in music leave bottom txt unchanged.

    23 numbers 3:07 has no relation with the A-Z listing

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