Cannot change channel in mediaportal (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 9, 2008
Since I've had this problem a couple of times now and wasn't able to find a good fix here, I thought it would be useful to post the "fix" I've found. People posting about this mostly seem to think it's a read-only problem (which it actually sort off is) and are using more then 1 tuner. A dualtuner card or 2 tuning cards.

Cannot change channel. Changing channel takes a long time and when it changes you get the same channel, which just repeats the timeshift buffer you had. When you stop tv, and then start it again you do get the channel you wanted.

You have more then one tuner, which you both gave the same timeshift buffer directory. Create a subdirectory for both (eg, Drive:\timeshift\card1 and Drive:\timeshift\card2) and configure your tv-server by the recording settings to use those, 1 per tuner. Now your troubles are gone.

Probable cause:
Changing channel let's the other tuner create a new timeshift buffer, which is read-only and in use by the other tuner. Things get messy.


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  • March 24, 2009
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Same issue here.

    Tried your fix, but problem is re-appearing. Made sure each card is writing the ts buffer to its dedicated folder by disabling the other (one card at a time).

    Any other suggestions?


    Portal Pro
    February 19, 2007
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    had this issue and cured it by changing card priority in config, select card 2 and tell it to move "up" in list.

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