[Question] Cannot Connect (1 Viewer)


New Member
July 13, 2012
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
Hi there
I try to configure mpextended to use it with the mpdroid application.
This doens't work, and when I go step by step through the mpextended troubleshoot process, I'm stuck here:
"Now, select the IP address you configured in your client from the dropdown box. If you can't find the IP address in the dropdown box, you've used the wrong IP adress. Try to open these links in a webbrowser on another computer. If this doesn't work, but the previous step worked, there is a problem with your firewall. Sometimes the installer fails to open the ports in Windows firewall, see this guide to fix that. If you use another firewall, you have to open the port (4322) manually."
I can connect to the test webpages on the htpc were mediaportal is installed, but not anywhere else.
I manually opened ports 4321, 4322, 8017 (for wifiremote), but that doesn't work, even disabling the firewall completely doesn't help.
Really stuck here.


  • mpextended.zip
    18.2 KB


Retired Team Member
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  • August 29, 2009
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    The address of your LAN connection is a bit weird, but it seems to work fine otherwise... Do you have any other firewall enabled? Which link did you try on another PC?


    New Member
    July 13, 2012
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    Thanks for the prompt reply.
    - No other firewalls are installed on the computers, though I have a Thomson TWG 870U Wireless Router/Modem that has features like port forwarding, although up to now I was of the opinion that this only concerned internet traffic.
    - Both the HTPC and my other computer have Windows 7 installed
    - I tried both the 169. loopback and the 192. wireless IP adresses.


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 29, 2009
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    It's a bit hard to be sure; but I think the problem is that MPExtended only listens on the 169.x.y.z address (which doesn't work on the network) and not on the 192.x.y.z address. Any chance you can (temporarily) disable the loopback one?

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