Can't change value for timeshift buffer (1 Viewer)


New Member
December 11, 2006

I might be blind, but I can't find anywhere to set the value for timeshift buffer (in minutes)?

I'm currently using the 1.0 final version. In my earlier version it was possible to startup MediaPortal, go into settings->TV and there change the value for timeshift buffer, but in the current version I'm not getting that choice.

When starting up the configurator->TV I just see the 30 minute buffer value in gray (not possible to change).

Is it just my installation, or has the possibility to change been removed?
Is there any way to edit any of the .xml files to set the value (so that I doesn't have to reinstall just for this?).

Otherwise everything works better than ever!



MP Donator
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  • October 9, 2007
    Dartmoor, England
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    It's in the TV server config - I can't remember exactly where though. You don't set the length of time any more, you set the size and number of files (defaults to 16 at 256MB I think). For normal-definition DVB it seems to need about 2GB per hour.



    New Member
    December 11, 2006
    I've actually tried that...I changed the max number of files from 20 to 80, but there were no difference in buffer time, still 30 minutes. At least I know where to experiment now, as you mention that the possibility to set minutes are removed!

    Thanks for replying!


    MP Donator
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  • October 9, 2007
    Dartmoor, England
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    That's strange. I may be wrong then. I thought increasing the number/size of files increased the maximum timeshift length, but I can't say I've ever paused live TV for more than about 15 minutes anyway.

    Perhaps there's still a way to set the buffer time like in the older versions. TBH I hadn't noticed the (greyed out) time setting in the new version - I assumed it was all set from the buffer files.

    Hopefully somebody knows for sure...


    Sorry for the double post, but I just thought of something...

    Quite a few of the file and path settings in TV server config are per tuner. Is it possible you've got more than one tuner and have set the files for the wrong one? I'm at work at the moment so I can't check (so this may be complete rubbish :))



    Portal Pro
    February 1, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi to you both

    Rob you have got the right idea but there is something you have missed.

    You may have noticed that there is a setting for "minimum number of files" and "maximum number of files".

    If you start live TV, the buffer will be determined by the "minimum number of files" setting therefore if you havent changed the min number of files setting ur timeshift buffer will remain at 30mins

    I believe the max timeshift setting comes into play when you pause live tv and the buffer exceeds the limit set by the minimum setting.

    see this link - post 4

    I believe the timeshift settings are applied to each card individually i.e. if your minimum number of files setting is set to 10 files at 256MB then the buffer will reach a size of 2560MB if only one card is active.
    If you have 2 cards active then the total size for the timeshift buffers will be 5120MB.
    For 3 cards total size for TS buffers will be 7680MB and so on.

    hope this makes sense :D


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