Changing File Locations (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
March 6, 2007
South London
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England England
Great plugin, loving the work guys, however ive had a look with the search function but cant find the answer to a problem ive got...

I havent got internet at home, so im having to setup up a dummy MP at work, where i download series information, and then take the database and thumbs files home, and insert them into my MP setup at home. The only problem is, the video locations are different to the addresses at home, so while the plugin looks very nice, and has all the relevant information for each episode, MyTVseries doesnt know where to look for the video files, so clicking to play and episode just does nothing.

So my question is, is there a way to manually change the file locations.....??


Id love to be able to use this plugin, but short of hauling my whole htpc to work with me, and connecting it to our network and going on the internet, theres no way im going to be able to!

please help :(


Portal Member
July 1, 2007
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Any Ideas

I also would like to be able to do this as I wish to reorganise my external drives and move a lot of my tv series onto a new drive.

I have tv series on 3 different drives and would now like to consolidate them onto 1 drive.

Is it possible to change the drive letter that the database points to?

Please help :(



Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    Australia Australia
    You would need to write a SQL Query and run it in SQLDB Editor e.g. SQLiteBrowser.

    No easy way to do this other than directly running some SQL im afraid.


    Portal Member
    July 1, 2007
    Home Country

    Thanks ltfearme,

    I thought that might be the case thanks for the clarification.

    I downloaded as suggested SQLiteBrowser (thanks).

    I ran the following SQL command

    UPDATE local_episodes
    SET EpisodeFilename = 'j:' || SUBSTR(EpisodeFilename, 3,LENGTH(EpisodeFilename))
    WHERE SUBSTR(EpisodeFilename,1,3)='F:\'

    Which worked perfectly, but when I went to run it the next time to change any files stored on my H: drive it didn't work.

    I performed several tests and I can change either all the records on the F: drive or all the records on the H: drive but not both.

    It seems that after the first command, it won't work a second time.

    I even tried:

    UPDATE local_episodes
    SET EpisodeFilename = 'j:' || SUBSTR(EpisodeFilename, 3,LENGTH(EpisodeFilename))
    WHERE SUBSTR(EpisodeFilename,1,3)='F:\' OR SUBSTR(EpisodeFilename,1,3)='H:\'

    But this results in none of the records being changed.

    Any ideas as to the cause of this behaviour?



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