Channel duplicates in guide (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 5, 2009
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I installed MP and had issues with extensions not working so I backed up the thumbs and database folder in application data and exported my channels from the TV server config. I then installed MP and imported my channels using the xml file created by tv server. Now when I go into TV guide in the MP client I see duplicates of all my channels.

I tried the following to resolve it with no luck

1. Deleted all the channels and forced the TV server to rescan for all my channels then remove all channels except for the ones I want

2. Deleted all channels and then went into the sql management console and deleted the database and recreated it with the same name and then forced the TV server to rescan for all my channels then remove all channels except for the ones I want.

Also on a side note when running TV in the MP client the system seems to really slow down is this normal?

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