Channel Increment repeats 23 Times (1 Viewer)


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  • June 2, 2011
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    Austria Austria
    I need some Help on this - here is the description what happens:
    Start MP --> Start TV --> Push ChannelUp
    Now ChannelUp is repeated 23 Times :eek::confused::eek:(see Mediaportal.LOG)

    The strage REALLY thing is, that this happens only one time after starting MP
    Once having pushed ChannelUp (and running up 23 Channels:confused:) ChannelUp works as it should - zaps up ONE channel.

    I have activated <classic> Profile in Remote settings. All files are attached.

    HID-Demos shows this when I push ChannelUp - looks Ok

    Has anyone any idea on this?


    • Generic-HID.xml
      21.8 KB
    • hid.classic.xml
      21.8 KB
    • MediaPortal.log
      30 KB
    Last edited:


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  • June 2, 2011
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    Austria Austria
    additional Information:
    The repeating of ChannelUp only happens in TV
    When I move in Lists PageUp (as ChanelUp = PageUp) there are never any problems with repeating - One Push causes One Page Up...


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  • June 10, 2013
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Now ChannelUp is repeated 23 Times
    I tried this on MP 1.25 using an MCE RC6 remote control (not my usual Ortek/Hama), but the errant behaviour did not occur. I also looked at the log file, but it will need someone who is familiar with the remote-control HID support to (maybe) diagnose the cause of the problem.

    However, I will mention that I occasionally encounter a similar error when navigating the EPG. There is some combination of actions (which I have not yet identified) that causes the UP and DOWN keys to scroll the EPG by many many rows, instead of moving the focus by one row. This condition persists until I use the LEFT or RIGHT key to move the focus to the adjacent EPG cell. After this, UP and DOWN work normally. Since I encounter this using the Ortek/Hama remote control, the problem probably resides in the TV Plugin (the part of MP that starts TV, changes channel, and displays the EPG), and not in the HID support code.

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


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  • June 10, 2013
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    The problem that you have encountered may not be the same as the one that I encountered, even though they are superficially similar (so your problem may still reside somewhere within the HID code). However...

    So far no one else has reported encountering your problem, which may indicate that there is something weird about your particular setup (but I don't currently have any idea what that might be :confused: ).

    If anyone else has encountered either of the problems described here, please post describing your experiences. (y)

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


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  • June 2, 2011
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    Austria Austria
    This is strange:
    For testing I tried to turn off HID - saved configuration -->

    BUT when I started MP configuration again --> <HID> was enabled again :confused:


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  • June 2, 2011
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    Austria Austria
    Good news :) I think I solved the problem (for my situation...)
    ChannelIncrement/decrement is handled in Consumer/ConsumerControl section of the profile.
    I noticed that there the Option <repeat> was set. I turned this of - for I don't need this button to be repeated when holding down - and now no problems anymaore with channel repeating :)
    The downside is, that when scrolling throu lists repeating of course doesn't work now... but it's better not to have the Channel Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepeating Problem:ROFLMAO:
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  • June 2, 2011
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    the problem probably resides in the TV Plugin (the part of MP that starts TV, changes channel, and displays the EPG), and not in the HID support code.
    Just in case someone wants to keep on investigating...
    The described undesired channel repeating only occures ONLY on TVFullScreen mode.


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    For testing I tried to turn off HID - saved configuration.
    BUT when I started MP configuration again --> <HID> was enabled again
    I just tried to reproduce this (on MP 1.25), but the behaviour described did not occur. Are you sure that you closed "MP Config" correctly?

    If you click "Cancel" or click the red "X" in the top right corner, simple changes that you made are discarded. So if you deselected "Enable HID" and then clicked the red "X", when you next restarted "MP Config" you would find that "Enable HID" was still selected. o_O

    I noticed that there the Option <repeat> was set.
    Because I use the Ortek/Hama remote control (which uses settings on the "Sceneo" tab), I have never looked in detail at the settings offered by the "HID" tab. I notice that "ChannelUp" and "ChannelDown" are the only two buttons that are flagged with "(repeat)" in the default "Classic" config. However...

    If you click "Up", "Down", "Left", or "Right" (in the third section), you will see that they too are marked as "Repeat", but "(repeat)" is not shown in the list on the left. Very strange (and inconsistent). :confused:

    Be that as it may, the default config has repeat enabled for the two channel buttons, so I suspect that that is how most people use it (and without encountering your problem). So it seems likely that there is still something weird about your particular setup. :eek: :cry:

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


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  • June 2, 2011
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    Austria Austria
    I just tried to reproduce this (on MP 1.25), but the behaviour described did not occur. Are you sure that you closed "MP Config" correctly?
    I'm on 1.27 and it definitly occures there (I definitly did save the configuration - definitly clicked OK...)

    So it seems likely that there is still something weird about your particular setup.
    I'm afraid that's right...

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