It would be great if you explained the alternatives under setup -> VMR9 Advanced settings;
- Nonsquare mixing?
- Filtering types? Which does what?
Info from MS developer:
Nonsquare mixing:
Previous versions of the VMR-9 always composited the input streams using a square (1:1) pixel aspect ratio (PAR), even when there was only a single video stream. If the input stream had non-square pixels, this caused an unnecessary scaling operation. Scaling should be avoided as much as possible, of course, because it degrades the final image quality.
In non-square mixing mode, the VMR-9 selects one input stream to be the target size and PAR. The VMR's mixer does not scale the video from that stream or from any other streams with the same image size and PAR. Streams with a different size or aspect ratio are scaled to match the target PAR and letterboxed to fit the final output image size.