Connection could not be established (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 16, 2011
Home Country
Austria Austria
Good evening,

i spent the last half hour trying to install aMPdroid on my Asus Transformer (Android 3.2).
Installation of the App was straightvorward enough, but i am unable to connect the tablet to MePo.
MePo is running on Win7 32bit.

I followed the instructions here: Set up aMPdroid - MediaPortal Wiki
I dont use WHS, so i installed just TV4Home CoreService.
From inside the WfiRemote-Plugin i installed Bonjour.
I then used the QR-code to transfer the settings to the app. I had to correct the IP-Adress after the Import because it was a very long Line of Numbers seperated by ":".

I started first MePo and then the App.
In the App-Setting is checked:
> Fullscreen
> Automatic connect
> Re-establish connection
> WOL on connect

Connect to http://<htpc-ip>:4321/GmaWebService/...iceDescription delivers the correct information after entering user/pw
Connect to i.e. Series: http://<htpc-ip>:4321/GmaWebService/...sort=0&order=0 delivers just a blank page after entering user/pw
Connect to http://<htpc-ip>:4321/TV4Home.Server...ionToTVService delivers just a blank page.
Background-Services are running
Firewall has exceptions for GMA and TV4Home.

At best a was able to mange a short connect on App-startup, but as soon as i press a icon i get "Wrong Username/pw". I checked twice, user/pw are correct.
I also tried disabling the authentication, now i just got a Busy-Icon on the Client-Selection after i press "select".

Any Ideas?

best regards


Portal Member
July 16, 2011
Home Country
Austria Austria
In the meantime i nstalled the preview-version of the app along with mpextender.
Establishing a connection was no problem this time, although i could use the tablett only as a remote, clicking on "series" for example does nothing...


Portal Member
December 1, 2011
AW: Connection could not be established

If only the remote works, it is most likely a firewall problem. I suggest to disable the firewall completely for a short time, to test if streaming works then. If yes, please open port 4322 (standard) manually. Setup should actually do this automatically, but there is a little bug with 0.4.1 so it does not work for some people.


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    In the meantime i nstalled the preview-version of the app along with mpextender.
    Establishing a connection was no problem this time, although i could use the tablett only as a remote, clicking on "series" for example does nothing...

    Same problem with me, I would appreciate it if you find out, you would post the solution here.


    Portal Member
    July 16, 2011
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Re: AW: Connection could not be established

    If only the remote works, it is most likely a firewall problem. I suggest to disable the firewall completely for a short time
    Thanks for the tip, but no change.

    I disabled the windows-firewall (i see no point in disabling the firewall on my router, it only monitors traffic from/to the web), but i still get somethink like "no connection, to enable WOL please specifiy a mac-adress" when i click on "series" for example...


    Portal Member
    December 1, 2011
    AW: Connection could not be established

    I mean the Windows firewall, not the router! :) Router FW will definitly not help.


    Portal Member
    July 16, 2011
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Re: AW: Connection could not be established

    I mean the Windows firewall, not the router!
    I know what you meant :)

    Its no big deal over all, i just wait for the official release, i can controll MP just fine with my Harmony in the meantime ;)


    Portal Member
    January 31, 2012
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    I believe that I may be encountering a similar problem to what was originally described here. I've installed ampdroid in line with the installation_guide, and been using the following troubleshooting guide to diagnose problems.

    My system is running a freshly installed version 1.2.2 of Media Portal, with the StreamedMP skin installed and supporting Moving Pictures and MP-TVSeries. I run Windows 7.

    It appears that GmaWebservice is working as expected as the test URL's provided in the troubleshooting link are all working fine when entering them - ie http://localhost:4321/GmaWebService/MediaAccessService/json/GetServiceDescription.

    My problem however, appears to be with TV4Home. I downloaded and installed TV4Home CoreService (MP 1.2 Beta) (Update 16.07.2011), it didn't require any user input to install. When I enter the URL http://localhost:4321/TV4Home.Server.CoreService/TVEInteractionService/json/TestConnectionToTVService as described in the troubleshooting guid, I receive a web page with the word "False" displayed, rather than "True".

    I have not yet opened the port "TV4Home-Port 4321" as I haven't yet determined how to do it, ie - add a separate entry in the Windows firewall, or modify the (2) TV4home entries that already exist, but don't think this is the issue, as I'm trying to access the URL from localhost so didn't think I'd be hitting up the firewall.
    I should add that other test URL's provided for TV4Home seem to throw an error when opened in a browser on localhost, although I didnt note down the complete exception.
    Note that I do not use media portal TV services, rather I just use it to play movies/TV series IO have stored on my machine.

    Can anyone provide some guidance for a noob...

    EDIT - in doing some further reading, it "appears" that I don't need to install TV4Home as I don't have live TV/capture card etc installed. So i'll continue my troubleshooting tonight to ensure wifi remote is working as expected.


    Portal Member
    January 31, 2012
    Home Country
    A further update to my above query.

    Having read more of the documentation, it appears that only the remote is not working. I am able to view my TV series and movies, and in fact stream them to my phone - so its just the remote (WIFI remote) that seems to be my issue. (possibly supported by the fact that I can select to play tv/movies on my PC, when given the option to download, stream, or play on PC)

    I downloaded the WIFIRemote demo client and ran it successfully on the same machine as media portal, however I'm not sure how to test the connection remotely.

    I opened port 8017 incoming/outgoing, and even tried turning firewall off completely... but this doesn't seem to have helped, I still cant connect and get the "Remote Connection couldn't be established" error when I select "Connect Remote" within ampdroid (great app by the way). I do have user/password set to admin for both wifiremote and GMAwebservices.


    Portal Member
    May 2, 2008
    Having EXACTLY the same problem as mentioned in the post before. Everything works except the Wifi-Remote!!!
    WIFI-Demo runs on the same machine and is working.
    Op.System: Win 7 x64
    Wifi-Remote: 0.6
    aMpDroid: The present version in the market
    mobile: HTC Desire with 2.2

    Desperately crying for some help....


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