CoolReciver remote plugin for Leadtek TV tuners (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
March 22, 2006
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Serbia Serbia
Yes, you name the button as you want. and when you make xml file with button names and codes you need to map events to rm buttons in the plug-in setup, press the mapping button, again read the instruction page for more detail.


Portal Pro
May 20, 2008
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Hi seyar74,

What seba specifically means is that as long as you put the button name and code in the XML file, then you can just copy and paste the same <action ... /> node within the XML file. After you've finished creating all the new <button> nodes, then you can configure each individual action from within the MediaPortal Configuration tool -> go to Plug-ins, select the "Coolreciver" plug-in, then "Config", then "Edit Mappings".


p.s. By the way, seba, the latest version is working great for me with RC3's last SVN (haven't gone to RC4 yet). I used to have a problem with MediaPortal automatically starting when Windows starts up - all of the remote buttons wouldn't work - I had to shut-down MediaPortal and restart it, then all the remote functions would work. Now, with RC3 and your latest version, it all works the first time. Cheers!


New Member
December 4, 2008
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France France
Hello all, ok I have finish the mapping for my remote. All the keys work, but, because there is always a "but", the key "Power" produce an error. I explain.
I was unable to map this key. I use the winfast luncher as Seba explain with coolreciver.
So, when I'm in the desk in windows xp, I press the "Power" in the remote, Mediaportal start loading, and the remotes work normally.
But, in mediaportal if I press again the key "Power", the remote stops working after that. :mad:
Mediaportal has now to be controled by the mouse or the keyboard.
I have no error message, just that the remote doesn't work.
Back to the desk of windows, if I press again "Power" in the remote, Mediaportal start loading normally, and the remote works again fully!

You can tell me to not use the key "Power" in mediaportal to resolve my problem, ok, but you can press the key by mistake (wike and kids...), and after that, without keyboard and mouse the computer will be useless...:(

some idea ?? :confused:


Portal Pro
March 22, 2006
Home Country
Serbia Serbia
take a look in task manager if there is a process with the name winfastpvrdouble (or winfastpvr2double) when mp stops responding to the remote command(s). If there isn't, then mp doesn't close or receive close command and I will have to look into it.


Portal Pro
May 20, 2008
Home Country
Hi seyar74,

Unfortunately, the POWER button doesn't work as a recognised "keycode" in MediaPortal. I read something somewhere once that the POWER button on the remote sends a different signal of some sort, not like the other codes. The Winfast Wizard can recognise the POWER button OK, but once you're in MediaPortal - as you say - it causes problems.

Not really much that can be done .... that is really the last drawback to using this remote (and the fact that, for me, I can't get the remote to wake up the PC from standby). In terms of the wife and kids hitting the POWER button, there's not really much that can be done there either. My wife knows that she can't use the POWER button anytime - and also that she has to manually turn the PC on when it's in standby. I'm sure after enough times of the error happening, your W&K will learn that they need to be very careful using the remote so they don't press the POWER button!



New Member
December 4, 2008
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France France
For Seba : no, the process winfastpvrdouble (or winfastpvr2double) doesn't start running after the key power pressed. In relation with the remote, there is just the process winfastwizard.
It acts, I think, like mp loss the focus, or something like that. :confused:
But "Keep MP always on top" is checked, and I try also the plugin mpfocus, without success.
Maybe coolreciver stops working when the key "Power" is pressed, I don't know.:(

Sorry Craigparris1, but in my case, for a good WAF, the HTPC has to be perfect, without bugs...
Otherwise ------> Dvico 3330 or 6500 or something like that... (I'm not concerned on HD files yet) :rolleyes:


Portal Pro
May 20, 2008
Home Country
Hi seyar74,

Next step for you then, probably, is to get yourself a Microsoft MCE remote - I remember that when I was first having key-mapping problems with the CoolCommand remote, a lot of people suggested "just get an MCE remote". I was about to, but then finally got all the keys working (except for power, of course).

The MCE is not very expensive, in Australia, I can pick one up for around $50. That's probably the best option for full WAF! Plus, because it's standard USB it will wake up the PC from standby as well with no problems, apparently.


p.s. I definitely give snaps to Seba for his great work with the CoolCommand plug-in, but - as I've said before - from what I've read, the power button is a tricky one to deal with


Portal Member
December 19, 2008
Leadtek HDTV200H with Y04G0051 remote

Hi Seba,

I bought a new Winfast HDTV200H card and it works in MP. The remote works, kind of. I mean some of the keys work. The arrow keys and the OK button work for navigation. The channel- button lowers the volume, but that's about it. And nothing I do will change what those buttons do.

I have installed v6 of CoolReceiver. I have enabled the plugin and run MP in debug mode but there are no CoolReceiver debug statements other than start and stop.

The problem may be my Leadtek software. I only have WFWIZ, my card did not come with PVR but Total Media instead.

I tried WF_RemCtrl but it wouldn't recognize my remote.

I downloaded and installed the latest PVR2 from Leadtek's website, but it doesn't recognize their own capture card.

Any help would be appreciated.



Portal Pro
March 22, 2006
Home Country
Serbia Serbia
When mp starts you should see winfastpvr(2)double in process list (coolreciver should start one of them), that process is essential in making rm work with mp, also WFWIZ must me running.

Let me explain how the coolreciver works. WFWIZ reads a code from tv card (mine remote is plugged in the tv card I suppose your is too but that doesn't mater because WFWIZ reads codes) then it checks if WinfastPVR is running, if it finds it he sends him the code else it discards it. There are few special cases (buttons). On my remote (rm supplied with 6 years old Winfast 2000XP Expert TV card) that is the POWER button, if WFWIZ doesn't find winfastpvr it launches the WFMultRM giving me option to start WinfastPVR or WinfastFM. New versions of WFWIZ don't use seperate launcher.

Coolreciver mimics WinfastPVR (winfastpvr(2)double process) and that is how it receives commands. So if there is no winfastpvr(2)double running mp doesn't get commands.

Also if you use coolreciver WF_RemCtrl must not run because it interferes with winfastpvr(2)double.

Now when you press POWER on my old remote (and old WFWIZ) WFWIZ sends code 0 to the WinfastPVR (if it finds it running) and with new WFWIZ as far I figure it sends WM_CLOSE message to the WinfastPVR. The trouble is I'm not sure and I can't test this properly because new WFWIZ doesn't work (well) with my tv card. But if I'm right I could make a workaround for it.

Unfortunately I don't have new versions of leadtek's tv cards so I can't solve your problem but...

Sounds like you have new or special WFWIZ that works only with Total Media, or you have checked "MCE remote" option in WFWIZ (right click on tray icon and select settings).
Also you could try newer/older versions of WFWIZ and finaly You could try to install newer/older drivers for your tv card to see if WinfastPVR can detect it.

If your WFWIZ works like with WinfastPVR I could make TotalMediaDouble but without hw and software it is very hard and you would have to wait for a long time. :sorry:


Portal Member
July 27, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Hi Seba/danmccune,
I also have the same problem as danmccune (with a WinFast HDTV Cinema card, and a newer remote). It isnt that "none" of the keys are working. Some of them, like the arrow keys, that danmccune mentioned do work in Media Portal.
The "numbered" keys (0-9) also work correctly.

But to map the rest of the keys, I dont see the messages in the log file even after enabling debug in MP setup.
Also, strangely the Channel-, lowers the volume too.

Additionally I found that if I have "Notepad" running in the foreground, the keys 0-9 enter show up as keystrokes 0-9. If I enter channel up or down, I see a "+" and a "-" keystroke.

I wonder if there is anoter way to debug this, since there are no log messages in the log file.

- Pravin

Hi seyar74,
Can you please post you xml file for remote 51??
- Pravin

ok i've work on "Y04G0051.xml" myself. :D

But I think I miss something : I use WF_RemCtrl.exe to see the name of the button (this name is just a label, it can be "enter", or "Enter" or "ENTER" as we want, isn't it? ) , and I look in the mediaportal.log file the code of the key pressed.

<button name="NewButtonName" code="xx">

But, how mediaportal knows what to do with the code received from the remote ?
Cause you said : "Part with "<action layer ..." is not important, so ignore it."
But inside this line we have the code for the mediaportal function. On the example below, we have the name "ENTER", the code "19", and the cmdproperty "7".
Where are the complete list of cmdproperty of mediaportal?

<button name="ENTER" code="19">
<action layer="0" condition="*" conproperty="-1" command="ACTION" cmdproperty="7" sound="click.wav" />

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