For complete list of all country codes look here:
The country code is used for tuning. With the right country code
mediaportal knows:
- If you're using NTSC/PAL/Secam
- the default frequencies for a channel number
(for example channel 28= 531.25MHz in country A but in country B
channel 28 can be 831.25MHz)
if you look @ file->setup->tvchannels
You'll see that each TV channel has a channel number & a frequency
you need 2 fill in the channel number. The frequency is optional.
You can either leave it to 0 for the default frequency for your country
or fill it in (in Hz)
The country code is used for tuning. With the right country code
mediaportal knows:
- If you're using NTSC/PAL/Secam
- the default frequencies for a channel number
(for example channel 28= 531.25MHz in country A but in country B
channel 28 can be 831.25MHz)
if you look @ file->setup->tvchannels
You'll see that each TV channel has a channel number & a frequency
you need 2 fill in the channel number. The frequency is optional.
You can either leave it to 0 for the default frequency for your country
or fill it in (in Hz)