Ok, let me explain...
Icam made those files when people were anxious for a version of the plugin that would work with 1.2.2
The DJBlu made his version which would work with 1.2.2 and he added in the fast channel change code.
The 168 version on the front page will not work with MSSQL, only MYSQL - so he then released the 173 version.
Then he fixed a bug (no key found errors) and re-released a 173 version which is found several pages back.
Yes, fast channel change only works with 6981 and 6984.
Mate - cant thank you enough - this is really helpful.
This was super confusing because of the numbering scheme used by DJ Blu - / 173 suggests that the files are based on MP 1.2.0. Not to mention the ton of outdated files in the first post.
ICAM2 on the other hand had his files labelled as 1.2.2.xxxx
Thanks for this also........but begs the question - why doesn't ICAM2 start a new thread, or let DJBlu grab his source and incorporate.....and why isn't post No.1 updated with any updates. I'm sorry to sound negative, but despite these two guys FANTASTIC work I reckon for new folks coming onto this thread it would be impossible/daunting.
I LOVE MP, but open source software..........sometimes you can't give it away....
ICAM didn't write anything - he just compiled the patches into the 1.2.0 trunk and gave them whatever name he liked.
The 1.2.0 confused me too, until someone explained that is how it is in the trunk.
The one and only person working on this code is DJBlu, and he has other things going on at the same time like real life and a proper job
I think the time he manages to spend on it is pretty awesome all things considered to be honest.
The only other person working on similar code (minus the channel grabbing) is Miroslav22.
I can't imagine Mediaportal without this code to be honest, I certainly wouldn't get the wife to accept it without series link.
I think you need to look at the fact that Mediaportal is for geeks and tinkerers (and those with a HEAP of patience!) not for the average joe who just wants to watch TV.