how can I debug my TVServer PlugIn?
I want to set a breakpoint to the start() Method, but its not possible for me to connect to the TVServer process.
Thank you in advance.
Bye Nu
It's getting weirder.....
If I remove all the IP cards in the TVServer setup and then add them back I can scan the M3u and tune the stations but if I rescan it on the same card it just keeps updating the 1 channel. My brain is melting.........
It's getting weirder.....
If I remove all the IP cards in the TVServer setup and then add them back I can scan the M3u and tune the...
Having great fun with this still. I have a fairly good PC setup, Ryzen 5 8500g, Msi Pro 650M-P with 32GB of RAM with a TBS 6281 and...
Perhaps... Only way to confirm would be for me to invest in a different USB DVB-S2 tuner (like the Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-S2), which I might do if the issue persists.
Perhaps... Only way to confirm would be for me to invest in a different USB DVB-S2 tuner (like the Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-S2), which...
I have a dedicated TV Server x64 v1.36 running on Windows 11, with a Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD tuner for DVB-T channels (Freeview) and...
I bought Fight Club from an op shop (Goodwill to you yanks) but my PC reads the DVD as a folder. Both media players wouldn't run it, so I tried running it in MP2. However, when I play it, MP2 crashes to desktop (I think the debug log said it was a "fatal exception" or something). Can anyone please help?
I bought Fight Club from an op shop (Goodwill to you yanks) but my PC reads the DVD as a folder. Both media players wouldn't run...
I bought Fight Club from an op shop (Goodwill to you yanks) but my PC reads the DVD as a folder. Both media players wouldn't run...