DigitalDevices Dual DVB-S2 Testing (CAM/DiSEqC) (1 Viewer)


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May 1, 2007
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AW: DigitalDevices Dual DVB-S2 Testing (CAM/DiSEqC)

After contacting the service of DD my problems were solved!!!

The problem was the cable between the cine s2 and the ci-module. On the cine s2 was one pin folded so no contact was possible.

What should I say. After patching this my cine s2 works fine.

Nevertheless thanks for all your help, I'm happy again!



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  • January 13, 2006
    Just tested the DD Duoflex CT with CI-Module and I just can't get it to work...

    I'm using the card as DVB-C Card. In the DD-Tool I therefore unchecked "DVB-T" abd "DVB-C WMC" for both tuners. In the CI-Module there is an Alphacrypt Classic with a UnityMedia UM02 Card. The cable is only connected to "Tuner 3" (There is only one DD card with two tuners, but I already tried another PCIe slot and since then there are "Tuner 3" and "Tuner 4" instead of "Tuner 1" and "Tuner 2").

    OS is Win7 x64, DD-Driver version is x64
    MP 1.1.2 with TV-Server from first post.

    The problem is: as soon as I assign the CI to one or both of the tuners, MP doesn't find any chanels although it tells me that the signal level and signal quality are perfect.

    I've attached a clean log where I did the following:

    First the CI wasn't assigned to any tuner in the DD-Tool. I did a channel scan with "Tuner 3" on a specific transponder with only unscrambled channels. The result was it found seven unscrambled tv channels: perfect.

    Then I fired up the DD-Tool and assigned the CI to "Tuner 3" and did a reboot. Opened TV-Server-Config, set "CAM enabled and present for this card" on "Tuner 3" (CAM limit 0, CAM model default), the TV service was automatically restarted and I scanned exactly the same transponder again. Result: No channels found. Once again, there are only uncsrambled channels on that transponder.

    Morpheus, could you please have a look at the logs? Thanks in advance and please let me know when you need something else or when I should test something.



    Portal Member
    March 3, 2010
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    AW: DigitalDevices Dual DVB-S2 Testing (CAM/DiSEqC)

    Hi MP team

    I'm (finally) successfully using MP 1.1.2 (and Morpheus DD patch) with 2 CineS2 and 2 CI-Interfaces (with inserted CAMs!).

    But one problem remains: using a tuner for the first time after TVServer startup, requires about 1 one (!) minute before a TV signal appears. Therefore I set all tuners to be preloaded, which resolves the problem, but extends the TVServer startup time to about 6 minutes. As soon as I disconnect one CI-Interface, the problem goes away.

    Please find attached the TVServer logs of the startup phase with tuner pre-loading enabled.

    Many thanks to the MP team (esp. Morpheus) for the incredible work you are doing :D



    Retired Team Member
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  • January 13, 2006

    After spending two days doing nothing than fiddling around with scrambled cable tv, I somehow got this thing working...

    In the end, I really changed nothing - and it worked all of a sudden. What I did the whole time is trying every possible combination of settings in MP Server and the DD-Tool. The last thing I did before it started to work was to get the tuning details of a scrambled channel from the internet and add it manually to the channel list. I tried to tune the channel and - it didn't work. While I was changing some other settings again and clicking around in MP Server like a helpless child, I noticed that MP Server started grabbing the EPG from that channel. Once again I tried to tune the channel via manual control and - it worked. I reverted all the changes I have done to my MP Server and the DD Tool since my last post (which I had luckily documented) and rebooted so that the whole system was in the same state as in my last post. And it still worked. I tried scanning for channels again and it found *some* more channels (not all). After the scan I tried to start each scrambled or unscramlbed channel it found. The unscrambled ones alway worked, for the scrambled ones, it sometimes worked on the first try, sometimes on the second (first try showing "this channel is scrambled"). After that, I scanned for channels again. This time it found all the channels - free to air, scrambled but contained in my subscription, scrambled without subscription. Again I tried to start every single channel and in the end, the fta channels and the ones in my subscription all worked.

    Although I'm really happy now, I still feel uncomforotable with the whole situation. Usually when something doesn't work on my computer and I finally solve it, I at least have an impression what was wrong before. This time, I don't have the slightest clue what was going on. The subscription card worked perfectly in the receiver I got from my provider (used it for more than a week in that receiver). I got a brand new Alphacrypt Classic and just put the subscription card in the Alphacrypt, the Alphacrypt in my CI Slot and after that, the explanation above to me looks like if the subscription card had to "get used to" the Alphacrpyt - or the Alphacrpyt had to get used to the subscription card and "slowly started working"?!? This whole scrambled channel thing is just a pain. But maybe it's also a lack of knowledge on my side what exactly happens while unscrambling channels with a CI.

    Well, at least I can confirm that Digital Devices Duoflex CT with CI Module works with MP 1.1.2 and patch from first post. Sorry for any confusion caused by my last post and thanks a lot to Morpheus for making DD cards work in MP. Great Job!


    mr viggo

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  • March 1, 2008
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    I'm starting to get a bit confused, some posts claim that multi-freq/mux descrambling is possible and some says i don't work due to a limitation in the CI.

    Can someone confirm that a duo tuner with one CI (+CAM & Smartcard) can descamble 2 channels simultaneously on 2 different frequencies/muxes? Otherwise the whole point in buying a multi tuner at this price is gone imo.


    Portal Member
    November 13, 2008
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    He Mr Viggo,

    Descrambling multiple channels at different frequencies(DVB-C/T) or transponders (DVB-S) is possible.
    The CI is not the thing you have to look at, you have to make sure that you have a CAM which is capable of descrambling more then one channel at a time and can handle the bandwith of the total channels you want to descramble at the same time.

    I had problems with my DUAL CA CAM for DVB-T because this CAM could only descramble 1 channel at a time, after buying me an AstonCrypt DVB-T CAM I could descramble multiple channels without problems.

    The Tuner and CI are not important but the right CAM is.



    AW: DigitalDevices Dual DVB-S2 Testing (CAM/DiSEqC)


    ich bin mir nicht sicher ob das hier rein gehört, aber ich frage einfach mal.
    Ich habe Sky Komplett. Und im MP funktioiniert auch Sky Welt, Fußball Bundesliga und das Sport Paket. Nur das Film Paket (bin mir nicht mal ganz sicher ob alle davon) läuft nicht.
    Hat jemand ne Idee warum?

    Auf meiner Dreambox läuft alles. Muss also irgendwo am PC oder MP oder Treiber liegen denke ich.

    Vielen Dank für die Hilfe.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 13, 2006
    Hi MustangGM,

    this is the english part of the forum; although I can't help you with your problem, I hope you don't mind if I translate your post into English:


    I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but I just try to ask.
    I've got the "Sky Komplett" package. Within MP, "Sky Welt" (Sky World), "Fußball Bundesliga" (soccer) and "Sport Paket" (sport package) are working. Only the "Film Paket" (film package) does not work (not even sure, whether all channels in this package are affected).
    Does anyone have an idea why?

    On my Dreambox everything works. I think the reason must be somewhere in my PC, MP or the driver.

    Thanks for your help.



    AW: DigitalDevices Dual DVB-S2 Testing (CAM/DiSEqC)

    Dank Dir. Hätt ich auch selber dran denken können. :D

    Thank you. I should have been able to post that myself. :oops:


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 13, 2006
    By the way: What do you mean with "don't work". Does a channel scan find the channels and when you start streaming it shows "channel scrambled" or are the channels not even found during a channel scan?

    Something that helped for me (although with the DVB-C card) was manually entering the tuning details and then try to start streaming that channel several times (confirming every time the "channel scrambled" message and then start streaming again.

    If that doesn't help, I think the pros in this forum can only help with your logs and a description what exactly you did while the logs were recorded.


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