DigitalDevices Dual DVB-S2 Testing (CAM/DiSEqC) (3 Viewers)



AW: DigitalDevices Dual DVB-S2 Testing (CAM/DiSEqC)

Well I get different outputs latly.

"Graph konnte nicht gestartet werden" = "Unable to start Graph"
"Unknown Channel"
"Kanal ist verschlüsselt" = "Channel is locked"

But the first one is the one I get most and the last one is very rare. The second one is kind of new.


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  • May 4, 2009
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    AW: DigitalDevices Dual DVB-S2 Testing (CAM/DiSEqC)

    Sometimes i have that problem too (after Channelscan).
    You should take a look in the TV-Server - Channels - maybe you have different frequences for one Channel (some channels have the same name but different providers)
    I had that problem with a MIX of DVB-S and DVB-C
    Or you try a channel scan and delete all Channels from providers you don´t need


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Re: AW: DigitalDevices Dual DVB-S2 Testing (CAM/DiSEqC)

    Hi MP team

    I'm (finally) successfully using MP 1.1.2 (and Morpheus DD patch) with 2 CineS2 and 2 CI-Interfaces (with inserted CAMs!).

    But one problem remains: using a tuner for the first time after TVServer startup, requires about 1 one (!) minute before a TV signal appears. Therefore I set all tuners to be preloaded, which resolves the problem, but extends the TVServer startup time to about 6 minutes. As soon as I disconnect one CI-Interface, the problem goes away.

    Please find attached the TVServer logs of the startup phase with tuner pre-loading enabled.

    Many thanks to the MP team (esp. Morpheus) for the incredible work you are doing :D


    Hi Frank

    The delay is due to the way TV Server sets up the tuners. It cannot tell which CI interfaces can be used with each tuner so it tries both CI interfaces with each tuner until one works or both fail. Each attempt to use 1 tuner with 1 CI interface takes approximately 1 minute and 15 seconds to check if it fails and the CI interface hasn't been set up with another tuner earlier (this is out of our control). Thankfully a successful connection is *very* fast - only 0.01 seconds. You have 4 tuners. Two do not have a CI interface assigned => 4 failed checks, each 1:15 => ~5 minutes TV Server startup time, which is what I see in your logs.

    Hopefully that makes sense. Unfortunately there is no way to get around this. Preloading is the best solution...

    [Edit: I just realised that it may help to prioritise the tuners that have CI interfaces assigned to them. Would be interested to know if that helps. Preloading would still be best.]


    AW: DigitalDevices Dual DVB-S2 Testing (CAM/DiSEqC)

    It looks like it really was that the channel has moved. I did a channel scan yday but that dind't work. So I deleted the channels today and did a scan and now they work again.

    Thanks MJGraf. :D


    Portal Member
    March 3, 2010
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    AW: Re: AW: DigitalDevices Dual DVB-S2 Testing (CAM/DiSEqC)

    Hi mm1352000,

    thank you for your response! So it seems, I have to live with this behaviour. But it is not a big problem, because my TVServer is running 24/7, and I'm using preloading. So I have to wait only after rebooting the TVServer, which is only done every one or two weeks.

    Many thanks :D,

    Hi MP team

    I'm (finally) successfully using MP 1.1.2 (and Morpheus DD patch) with 2 CineS2 and 2 CI-Interfaces (with inserted CAMs!).

    But one problem remains: using a tuner for the first time after TVServer startup, requires about 1 one (!) minute before a TV signal appears. Therefore I set all tuners to be preloaded, which resolves the problem, but extends the TVServer startup time to about 6 minutes. As soon as I disconnect one CI-Interface, the problem goes away.

    Please find attached the TVServer logs of the startup phase with tuner pre-loading enabled.

    Many thanks to the MP team (esp. Morpheus) for the incredible work you are doing :D


    Hi Frank

    The delay is due to the way TV Server sets up the tuners. It cannot tell which CI interfaces can be used with each tuner so it tries both CI interfaces with each tuner until one works or both fail. Each attempt to use 1 tuner with 1 CI interface takes approximately 1 minute and 15 seconds to check if it fails and the CI interface hasn't been set up with another tuner earlier (this is out of our control). Thankfully a successful connection is *very* fast - only 0.01 seconds. You have 4 tuners. Two do not have a CI interface assigned => 4 failed checks, each 1:15 => ~5 minutes TV Server startup time, which is what I see in your logs.

    Hopefully that makes sense. Unfortunately there is no way to get around this. Preloading is the best solution...

    [Edit: I just realised that it may help to prioritise the tuners that have CI interfaces assigned to them. Would be interested to know if that helps. Preloading would still be best.]


    Portal Member
    March 20, 2007
    AW: DigitalDevices Dual DVB-S2 Testing (CAM/DiSEqC)

    Mainly it works well, but i have some questions:

    1. Is the patch still required for v1.1.2 ?
    2. If i tune to a scrambled Channel (ORF 1 HD) it takes very long to tune, it seems that mediaportal tries every tuner until one works, i have 2 Cine S2 built in (4 Tuners, and all 4 Tuners have the CAM (1 is available) assigned in Mediaportal AND the config tool of Digital Devices, is that right? Take a look at my screenshot)
    3. Are your patches already checked in into SVN ? I would like to have a look at it.

    Thanks for your (great) work!


    • asd.JPG
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    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hi there

    The DigitalDevices support is checked into SVN. Just check out the trunk...
    I suspect the slowness could be caused by a similar issue to Frank (fkremser). You would have to post your tv.log for me to check that.


    Portal Member
    March 20, 2007
    AW: Re: DigitalDevices Dual DVB-S2 Testing (CAM/DiSEqC)

    Hi there

    The DigitalDevices support is checked into SVN. Just check out the trunk...
    I suspect the slowness could be caused by a similar issue to Frank (fkremser). You would have to post your tv.log for me to check that.


    i attached the TV.Log, i tried to tune on ORF 1 HD but it didn´t work.
    What i think is the main problem is the entrie:
    "PROBLEM : descriptor lengths dont match 3 9" ?


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hi again

    If you're using 1.1.2 then you need to apply the patch for descrambling to work. Did you do that?


    Portal Pro
    October 31, 2007
    AW: DigitalDevices Dual DVB-S2 Testing (CAM/DiSEqC)


    sometimes, I have the Problem, that my TV is freezing. I have to turn off and onthe TV and everything is ok. I am using the newest driver of dd an the patch for 1.1.2.
    Do you have any hints for me?

    Do you have problemswith standby?


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