DJBlu's Custom Sky Data Grabber for MP1.9 onwards (3 Viewers)


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  • August 29, 2007
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    @ears Do you still have a link to the source code handy?


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  • July 10, 2009
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    I'm after the source code too, but just need the series link side of things :)


    Portal Member
    October 7, 2008
    I'm sorry - I don't think that source code exists, DJBlu had a hard disk failure and lost it, so the story goes.

    All I've been doing is merging two Github branches from the MP repo together and including a few DLLs.


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  • March 17, 2012
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Good evening everyone!

    So, I've not been here for quite some time since I severely broke my homelab/servers/media systems after a large power surge :-( Had to pretty much replace everything! So, I do have the source code I rebuilt for DJBlu. It's not as good as his final code as I had to work backwards from the current plugins and rebuild an older version. By all accounts the Sky UK one works ok, but not as good as his latest built copy but the NZ one (where I am) was fixed in terms of FTA channel duplication and limited the LCNs to those that are actually channels.

    Code should be accessible here:

    Sky UK :
    Sky NZ :

    Hopefully you should be able to see it?

    Really, someone with the right skills could easily convert this to C#, fix some of the problems with the look ups as DJBlu used hard coded search lengths to determine content rather than the EPGcollector approach which was to use the actual searchable positions, which is why EPGcollector can fill in all channel details properly but sometimes these plugins have no channel details.

    I'm just in the process of sorting out a virtual machine and tuner to allow me to continue to work on this, but be warned I am slow, busy (2 young kids) and quite crap at coding, especially since I've taken quite a break from this!

    Any way, source code is up and peeps can play with it; last time I checked it compiles fine to the .dll level.




    Portal Member
    July 17, 2015
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Thanks Benoire. Unfortunately I wouldn't have a clue what to do with what you just posted but I'm hoping someone will. I must admit, I'm surprised and frustrated about the apparent lack of interest in this plugin lately. For me it's the reason I use MediaPortal as it's the best way I've found to view satellite TV on the PC here in the UK.

    @ears Thank you so much for keeping MediaPortal a viable option for me. Please could you post a small guide about how you compile the plugin with a MediaPortal build so we don't have to ask you to do it every time a new version of MediaPortal is released?


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  • March 17, 2012
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    Hi Mattpwill, I do intend to try and resolve the issues in the code that I posted... Ideally starting with sorting out some of the fixed address issues that where used and replace them with the dynamic ones as this should solve the no programme information for some channels that exceed the fixed length decode.

    I did build a couple of the earlier versions but I broke everything post DJBlu so I should be able to help in that regard in a wee while... I would also like to try and port this across to MediaPortal 2 when I've got my C# coding sorted, cos it is quite poor right now!


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  • July 10, 2013
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    Hi @Benoire, you may want to check out this post, from @mm1352000 and maybe try contacting him to see if you can collaborate

    ...series link recording - I have the series link ID, but haven't had time to add the series link option to the scheduler and screens yet...

    Along with many others MP users series link in MP2 using TVE3.5 is something I would dearly like to see...


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  • July 10, 2013
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    Ireland Ireland
    Hi @mm1352000 & @Benoire

    I've have finally decided to put my money where my mouth is, so-to-speak and get my hands dirty having only given some help with debugging in the past. So I have updated my dev environment to VS2015 Community and have the latest MP1 & MP2 source from GitHub. I would really like to see some of the DJBlu Sky grabber functionality "baked in" to MP2, such as the enhanced EPG from Sky as well as the ability to have "true" series link, much like what @mm1352000 talked about here:

    ...series link recording - I have the series link ID, but haven't had time to add the series link option to the scheduler and screens yet...

    If either of you could share any code you have worked on and let me know what I could do to help out or have any suggestions on how we might collaborate on this then that would be great.


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