Downloadable 'country packs' (2 Viewers)


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  • December 7, 2004
    Adelaide, Australia
    Home Country
    Thing why I dont like the idea of overwriting the db files is because what if they already have stuff in there then decide they want to add extras. Atm all Im working on is putting together a lot of documents with all the info need for setting it up.


    Portal Pro
    November 27, 2004
    Tilburg, Netherlands
    I agree, because the main configuration file contains so much info it's less attractive to replace it with a 'country specific one' once you've made your own changes. The main idea was to give new users a headstart, they can then add their own configuration items as they go.


    Portal Pro
    August 25, 2004
    Melbourne, Australia
    This is a great idea - keep it up.

    With the database issue, SQLite actually provides a commandline utility that you can use to edit/insert data in the database. See You can automate this with a batch file.

    You need to be able to write SQL to use it - I can help with that. Or you can see for a tutorial.

    With radio, my tv card radio doesn't work, so I've discovered all the radio station's web streaming links and I'm using those. The melbourne ones are available at:

    Just go into MP configuration and add these files as external stream links.



    Portal Pro
    November 27, 2004
    Tilburg, Netherlands
    samuel337 said:
    This is a great idea - keep it up.

    With the database issue, SQLite actually provides a commandline utility that you can use to edit/insert data in the database. See You can automate this with a batch file.

    You need to be able to write SQL to use it - I can help with that. Or you can see for a tutorial.

    thanks for the feedback. Good idea to use sqlite.exe
    I know some SQL but didn't really need it, just using the '.dump' command here. Please find a new version at

    more feedback is appreciated (and better icons for example)


    Portal Pro
    December 24, 2004
    The Netherlands
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    I'm from the Netherlands too. Except the fact that my channel frequencies are different cause i dont life in Tilburg. I only use the logo's for my TV Guide. During the install of countrypack i did get multiple errors with sql database.

    In the end i closed the batch window and had to repair all of my channels which is logical so no complains about that but all my settings were ruined too ie. my shares of music/movies/pictures etc. When i tried to restore the backup it wouldnt work :(

    An idea to get more and better logos is visiting the channels webpages and rip them of their site make them smaller in Photoshop or whatever you use for picture-editing. I did that by some of the existing logos to get better ones. If you like i can send them...

    Maybe it's an idea to make in the plugin setup a possibility to get your frequency from the district you live near. I dunno but it would be really handy. Maybe that's the idea of the database but like i said i only get errors.

    Maybe internet streaming radiostations are fun too while installing a countrypacks. As long as the install dont ruins my existing foreign radiostream :p


    Portal Member
    September 22, 2004
    Melbourne, Australia
    Home Country
    Here's a few more AU weather pics


    If there's a lot of interest for other state/areas I'll post the rest. Either that or sign up to it's free and you can get the large images for your area.

    Just find the area you want, click on enlarge, right click and view the properties of the enlarged image (should open a new window), and copy the Address (URL) property.


    Portal Pro
    November 27, 2004
    Tilburg, Netherlands
    I'm sorry for your problems

    trojkolka said:
    During the install of countrypack i did get multiple errors with sql database.
    the errors can be ignored. It just tries to replace the channel table, index and possibly the channel values. If they already exist you get the warning and your old values should be kept.

    In the end i closed the batch window and had to repair all of my channels which is logical so no complains about that but all my settings were ruined too ie.
    this surprises me a bit. The script just adds to the database
    my shares of music/movies/pictures etc. When i tried to restore the backup it wouldnt work :(
    the mediaportal.xml was replaced so it makes sense that the shares etc. get lost. It should however have copied the original to the backup subdir in countrypacks. The restore.bat was not good. I've replaced it with a new version.

    An idea to get more and better logos is visiting the channels webpages and rip them of their site make them smaller in Photoshop or whatever you use for picture-editing. I did that by some of the existing logos to get better ones. If you like i can send them...
    yes please. Thanks.

    Maybe it's an idea to make in the plugin setup a possibility to get your frequency from the district you live near. I dunno but it would be really handy. Maybe that's the idea of the database but like i said i only get errors.
    yes, this would be the best solution. Just some import button in the configuration.exe

    Maybe internet streaming radiostations are fun too while installing a countrypacks. As long as the install dont ruins my existing foreign radiostream :p
    Unfortunately the streams are in mediaportal.xml. I'd need some util to add xml to an existing xml-file or the settings should be in a database and sqlite could be used.

    thanks for the feedback

    ps. new version on


    I agree, the mediaportal.xml should only contain mediaportal setup data, not "listed data"

    Both Radio and TV channels are in databases so why not RSS streams, weather locations etc.

    Will theese db's be added later? Having 1 file for it all dosn't seem that great.

    (Currently working on a Danish Country Pack)

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