DVB-IP Scan stopped working (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 31, 2016
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Until recently I had a working DVB-IP list. After reinstalling WIndows 10 and putting all the databses, program data and user files for MediaPortal on the new installation, all works but the DVB-IP. The streams still work with VLC but when scanning for them in TVServer config I get 'No Signal' for all of the channels. How can this be. Can it be I got some filters or settings I missed. I really want these channels to get working again.

[2016-03-28 18:39:36,247] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - card: Tune on card 2 to subchannel NPO Zapp
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,249] [Log    ] [38       ] [DEBUG] - card: user: MacBookPC:2:-1 tune DVBIP:tv: NPO Zapp Freq:0 ONID:-1 TSID:-1 SID:-1 PMT:0xFFFFFFFF FTA:False LCN:10000 Url:http://l2cmb9c0f480bb0056f15c4a000000.c85418ed10306151.smoote1f.npostreaming.nl/d/live/npo/tvlive/ned3/ned3.isml/ned3-audio=128000-video=900000.m3u8
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,256] [Log    ] [38       ] [DEBUG] - card: to different transponder
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,259] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - tvcard:FreeSubChannel: subchannels count 1 subch#-1
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,261] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - tvcard:FreeSubChannel :-1 - sub channel not found
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,263] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - tvcard:FreeSubChannel : subchannels STILL present 1, continuing graph
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,265] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvbip:  Tune:DVBIP:tv: NPO Zapp Freq:0 ONID:-1 TSID:-1 SID:-1 PMT:0xFFFFFFFF FTA:False LCN:10000 Url:http://l2cmb9c0f480bb0056f15c4a000000.c85418ed10306151.smoote1f.npostreaming.nl/d/live/npo/tvlive/ned3/ned3.isml/ned3-audio=128000-video=900000.m3u8
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,267] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvbip: tune: Assigning oldChannel
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,269] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvbip: tune: Current Channel != null DVBIP:tv: NPO Humor Freq:0 ONID:-1 TSID:-1 SID:-1 PMT:0xFFFFFFFF FTA:False LCN:10000 Url:http://l2cm39dde31ef20056f15be6000000.ba04263d456c203b.smoote2b.npostreaming.nl/d/live/npo/thematv/humor24/humor24.isml/humor24-audio=128000-video=900000.m3u8
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,271] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvbip: tune: Graph is running
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,273] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvb:Submiting tunerequest Channel:NPO Zapp subChannel:-1
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,275] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvb:Getting new subchannel
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,277] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvb:GetNewSubChannel:1 #1
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,279] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - TvDvbChannel ctor new subchIndex:1
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,281] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - card: AddTuneEvent card: 2 / subch: 1
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,283] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvb:Submit tunerequest size:2 new:1
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,285] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - subch:1 OnBeforeTune
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,287] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvb:Submit tunerequest calling put_TuneRequest
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,289] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - subch:1 OnAfterTune
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,291] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvbip: tune: Running graph for channel TvLibrary.Implementations.DVB.TvDvbChannel
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,293] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvbip: tune: SubChannel 1
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,313] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - subch:1 OnGraphStopped
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,315] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - subch:1 OnGraphStart
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,373] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvbip:Add MediaPortal IPTV Source Filter
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,577] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvb:  Render [source]->[inftee]
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,587] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvb:  RunGraph
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,651] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - subch:1 OnGraphStarted
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,653] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - subch:1 SetupPmtGrabber:pid FFFFFFFF sid:FFFFFFFF
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,655] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - subch:1 SetupPmtGrabber:pid FFFFFFFF sid:FFFFFFFF
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,657] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - tvcard:FreeSubChannel: subchannels count 2 subch#1
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,659] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - DVB subch:1 Decompose()
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,662] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - FreeSubChannel CA: freeing sub channel : 1
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,663] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - tvcard:FreeSubChannel : subchannels STILL present 1, continuing graph
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,665] [Log    ] [38       ] [ERROR] - Exception   :TvLibrary.TvExceptionNoPMT: TVDvbChannel.OnGraphStarted: no PMT found
   at TvLibrary.Implementations.DVB.TvDvbChannel.OnGraphStarted()
   at TvLibrary.Implementations.DVB.TvCardDVBIPBuiltIn.RunGraph(Int32 subChannel, String url)
   at TvLibrary.Implementations.DVB.TvCardDVBIP.DoTune(Int32 subChannelId, IChannel channel, Boolean ignorePMT)

[2016-03-28 18:39:36,669] [Log    ] [38       ] [DEBUG] - CardReservation.RemoveTuneTicket: removed reservation with id=29, tuningdetails=DVBIP:tv: NPO Zapp Freq:0 ONID:-1 TSID:-1 SID:-1 PMT:0xFFFFFFFF FTA:False LCN:10000 Url:http://l2cmb9c0f480bb0056f15c4a000000.c85418ed10306151.smoote1f.npostreaming.nl/d/live/npo/tvlive/ned3/ned3.isml/ned3-audio=128000-video=900000.m3u8
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,671] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - card: SignalTuneEvent card: 2 / subch: 1
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,673] [Log    ] [38       ] [DEBUG] - TVServerKodi: OnTvServerEvent: EndZapChannel
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,679] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvbip:  Tune:DVBIP:tv: NPO Zapp Freq:0 ONID:-1 TSID:-1 SID:-1 PMT:0xFFFFFFFF FTA:False LCN:10000 Url:http://l2cmb9c0f480bb0056f15c4a000000.c85418ed10306151.smoote1f.npostreaming.nl/d/live/npo/tvlive/ned3/ned3.isml/ned3-audio=128000-video=900000.m3u8
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,681] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvbip: tune: Assigning oldChannel
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,683] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvbip: tune: Current Channel != null DVBIP:tv: NPO Humor Freq:0 ONID:-1 TSID:-1 SID:-1 PMT:0xFFFFFFFF FTA:False LCN:10000 Url:http://l2cm39dde31ef20056f15be6000000.ba04263d456c203b.smoote2b.npostreaming.nl/d/live/npo/thematv/humor24/humor24.isml/humor24-audio=128000-video=900000.m3u8
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,685] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvbip: tune: Graph is running
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,687] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvb:Submiting tunerequest Channel:NPO Zapp subChannel:0
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,689] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvb:Submit tunerequest size:1 new:0
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,691] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - subch:0 OnBeforeTune
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,694] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvb:Submit tunerequest calling put_TuneRequest
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,696] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - subch:0 OnAfterTune
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,697] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvbip: tune: Running graph for channel TvLibrary.Implementations.DVB.TvDvbChannel
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,699] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvbip: tune: SubChannel 0
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,720] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - subch:0 OnGraphStopped
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,722] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - subch:0 OnGraphStart
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,779] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvbip:Add MediaPortal IPTV Source Filter
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,974] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvb:  Render [source]->[inftee]
[2016-03-28 18:39:36,985] [Log    ] [38       ] [INFO ] - dvb:  RunGraph


Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand

    The TVService.log section that you've provided doesn't contain any obvious errors. However, that is only one of the log files. MPIPTVSource.log and TsWriter.log are really needed for looking into such a problem. Without access to those, I can only suggest you check firewall and/or network settings.



    Portal Member
    January 31, 2016
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands

    The TVService.log section that you've provided doesn't contain any obvious errors. However, that is only one of the log files. MPIPTVSource.log and TsWriter.log are really needed for looking into such a problem. Without access to those, I can only suggest you check firewall and/or network settings.


    Thank you for the info. Link to zipped Log files.
    The firewalls (Windows Firewall and Router Firewall) are both disabled during the last scan.


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Okay, I think there may be several problems here. However the biggest problem seems to be that you're trying to receive an M3U8 playlist/stream using the standard IPTV filter. The standard IPTV filter does not support M3U8. Only the merged IPTV/OV filter from here supports M3U8:

    You can install that filter using the MediaPortal Extension Installer. Search known extensions for "MediaPortal IPTV filter and url source splitter".


    Portal Member
    January 31, 2016
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    I had it already installed, just updated it trough Extension installer and enabled it. I don't know how to work this extension. I loaded the playlist in it, saved it, scanned that new playlist with same results, no signal.

    In the past I used my playlist with the url splitter disabled and still found all the signals. I don't get it.

    What else is wrong in my log you mentioned? And is there something I have to do with the url splitter extension?


    Portal Member
    January 31, 2016
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    mm1352000 thank you. It works now. It seems the update for the source splitter didn't go well. After succesfully updating the extension, I get signal on my iptv entries. Thank you so much for your help. Something this small of a problem can get difficult to solve.

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