can confirm that, posted a picture somewhere in "Bugs" but had this even with PVR250 and no ss2 so its not only a problem with the ss2-plugin.
It only occurs in 1 of 10 backswitches from fullscreen
But I have a slight problem with building up the Database after channel-scan. Over 800 services were found but after save and restart only 4 of them exists in the Channel-selection.
and after restart
when I use agrees tvdatabase9 the new channels are integrated after the existing ones as they should but this shouldnt be normal . Seems like a problem with building the database from scratch
Video Codec:
InterVideo Video Decoder - works only with InterVideo Multiplexer Audio Codec, but no sound
DVD Express Video Dekoder - works not
InterVideo Video Decoder for TechnoTrend - works not
Nero MPEG2 Encoder - works not
Sonic MPEG Videodecoder - works not
Audio Codec
Nero Digital Audio Decoder - works not
DVD Express Audio Dekoder - works not
InterVideo Multiplexer Audio - picture, but where is the sound???