DVBs: (Skystar2) Very first beta for try on sourceforge (1 Viewer)

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I've a similar problem with my skystar2, when i check for mdplugins support all channels doesn't works, i've tried with many codecs but same result with all. When i uncheck mdplugins support everthing comes back ok. I've tried with or without any plugins in mdplugins folder, nothing change. Thanks for any help.


harty71 said:
I've a similar problem with my skystar2, when i check for mdplugins support all channels doesn't works, i've tried with many codecs but same result with all. When i uncheck mdplugins support everthing comes back ok. I've tried with or without any plugins in mdplugins folder, nothing change. Thanks for any help.

tell please what version of mp you use (self compiled?,from cvs?,when did you check out?).

only to say i dosent work did not help you and me...



Got the same problem, i use MP and technisat driver 4.30 official, and when i check the mdpluginn box that uses softcsa.dll, FTA channels are NOT working anymore.


Got the same problem, i use MP and technisat driver 4.30 official, and when i check the mdpluginn box that uses softcsa.dll, FTA channels are NOT working anymore.


Sorry I forgot to be more specific.
I'm using with 4.30 technisat drivers, windows xp professional, ati radeon 9800 pro with lastest drivers and directx. I'm usind as video and audio codec intervideo (from windvd 6). I use also progdvb and dvbviewer with no problems. If could be interesting usually i use vmr9 as video renderer without problem with tv, but with mdplugins checked when i click on tv link home page freeze without enter in tv area, i change into overlay renderer and tv starts but all channels are black.
Thanks a lot.

P.s. Great work however this program is very good.


Portal Member
January 16, 2005
Contribute to the COM error CLSID

Hello All,

I think I wanna contribute to resolve some issues with the SkyStar 2 implementation in Media Portal.... (I don't know what to do for it exactly, and maybe it is just a newbie problem and no Bug)

In this thread I read Four guy's having problems with adding their SkyStar 2 card:
PlasmaGucker on page 16
Harley on page 17
Sleepy on page 17
Myself page 20 or 21 (not posted yet)

In another thread http://nolanparty.com/mediaportal.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=21795 their are another 5 persons who have this problem.

Can somebody give a reaction (I Don't know what is the smartest to avoid Cross Posting ???)

Best Regards Tom from Holland

I found a Thread about registering a certain file "mpeg2data.ax" in the windows\system32 folder. This solved some issues for certain people. It didn;t work for me :(


Portal Pro
December 6, 2004
The Netherlands
Oh, so I'm not the only one with the mdplugins problem and not receiving anything anymore..

Agree, I also use the with latest technisat on MCE2005 nl...

[EDIT] I've just noticed that you did HUGE amount of work on the code.. So i'll compile the CVS today and try out tonight, to see if it helped..


Portal Pro
December 6, 2004
The Netherlands
Hmmm... tried latest cvs (with version 1.25 of dvbgraphss2) and first it didn't work with mdplugins turned on... but then after a MP crash it suddenly did work (probly a fluke) ...
So now I do see FTA with mdplugins turned on.. but when mdplugins is turned on and I for instance press X for full screen, it crashes... Also when I go to tv guide it crashes..
we're getting close tho! :)
Haven't played around with the rest of plugins (pmcam) so don't know if that part works yet.
Without plugins (so with FTA) it works like a charm and stable as far as I saw just now.. haven't had to much time to look at.. tomorrow I'll look some more!
This is gonna be awesome agree :) :p
Cool thing is, that with the tearing free VMR9 picture quality is just awesome!! :) On CNBC europe (with the money ticker on the bottom screen) in mytheatre or progdvb was just blurry and "interlaced" looking.. but on MP it looks SWEET :) (i'm talking about viewing on TV, not on monitor :) )

It's not gonna take long before MP will be the only sat program I use :)


Portal Member
January 18, 2005
Hi Agree,

did you plan in the near future to support windows 2000 ?
BTW thks 4 your great job.


Portal Member
January 16, 2005
Hello David,

Mmm it allmost works on my 2003 server. Did you tried it allready ? Maybe it already works?

Greetz Tom
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