DVBs: (Skystar2) Very first beta for try on sourceforge (1 Viewer)

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How can i enable ac3 (5.1, 2.0) output over spdif (Pro7, ARD, etc.)???


Hi Agree

I would like to contribute to the development by adding support to SS1
I have been playing a round with technotrend SDK for a while
I'm just wondring if its possible to make a generic driver interface
currently the SS2 stuff all over the place its a bit harder for me to modify your code to suit the TT api.



Portal Member
January 18, 2005
Onedutch said:
Hello David,

Mmm it allmost works on my 2003 server. Did you tried it allready ? Maybe it already works?

Greetz Tom

No it don't :(
I am getting this error : COM object with CLSID {2DB47AE5-CF39-43C2-B4D6-0CD8D90946F4} is either not valid or not registered.

I seems related to Windows 2000... :?



Portal Member
January 16, 2005
Hello David 07

Did you see my edit about registering a certain DLL ?

I found a Thread about registering a certain file "mpeg2data.ax" in the windows\system32 folder. This solved some issues for certain people. It didn;t work for me

Maybe we have to wait for a reaction of Agree or Aurora13 (Or are thos persons the same :) )
Agree is the mpeg2data.ax a special file you deliver with the mediaportal package? Or is it a file of the SkyStar 2 drivers?

David can you please check this if you registered with regsvr32?

Regards Tom


Onedutch said:
Hello David 07

Did you see my edit about registering a certain DLL ?

I found a Thread about registering a certain file "mpeg2data.ax" in the windows\system32 folder. This solved some issues for certain people. It didn;t work for me

Maybe we have to wait for a reaction of Agree or Aurora13 (Or are thos persons the same :) )
Agree is the mpeg2data.ax a special file you deliver with the mediaportal package? Or is it a file of the SkyStar 2 drivers?

David can you please check this if you registered with regsvr32?

Regards Tom

First of all:
Me isn't Aurora13 :)

Then, the mpeg2data.ax is not an file from me nor is it an SkyStar2 driver part. It belongs and comes with the DX9 SDK from our friends in Redmond.


David07 said:
Onedutch said:
Hello David,

Mmm it allmost works on my 2003 server. Did you tried it allready ? Maybe it already works?

Greetz Tom

No it don't :(
I am getting this error : COM object with CLSID {2DB47AE5-CF39-43C2-B4D6-0CD8D90946F4} is either not valid or not registered.

I seems related to Windows 2000... :?


The filter you need is the Stream-Buffer Sink. Did you install the DX9-SDK?


David07 said:
Hi Agree,

did you plan in the near future to support windows 2000 ?
BTW thks 4 your great job.

No, not really. I dont own Windows 2000 so i cant support you.



Portal Member
January 18, 2005
Agree said:
David07 said:
Onedutch said:
Hello David,

Mmm it allmost works on my 2003 server. Did you tried it allready ? Maybe it already works?

Greetz Tom

No it don't :(
I am getting this error : COM object with CLSID {2DB47AE5-CF39-43C2-B4D6-0CD8D90946F4} is either not valid or not registered.

I seems related to Windows 2000... :?


The filter you need is the Stream-Buffer Sink. Did you install the DX9-SDK?
I didn't try on windows 2000 because on the MSDN web site the doc about the filter Stream-Buffer Sink is only for Windows XP SP1. :(
Agree said:
David07 said:
Hi Agree,

did you plan in the near future to support windows 2000 ?
BTW thks 4 your great job.

No, not really. I dont own Windows 2000 so i cant support you.

Bad news :(


Portal Member
January 16, 2005

I Hate to bargain but i'm willing to giving it a try.... I know Me and David are using not a standard solution by using a Windows 2003 server(me) or windows 2000(david) environment. But by answering my question about the mpeg2data.ax file maybe you are willing to answer some more questions:

Quote (it comes from my cross posting from this thread http://nolanparty.com/mediaportal.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3793&highlight= )
Maybe it has something to do with the version of the mpeg2data.ax file. I;m running Windows 2003 server, when i use the "DirectX Diagnostic Tool" i get the following information about the mpeg2data.ax file: Final Retail Englisg 9-7-2004 04:26:38 57856 (size) is this the same as the people who use Windows XP ?
EDIT oops i didn't saw the page 21 appearing in this huge thread. Q1 is answered, dll is other then the one Agree is using

Do you think it should work on W2003 when you follow the windows xp installation requirements? I'm considering a reinstallation of win 2003 to c if something went wrong with drivers... Maybe I shoudl wait for another version cause it is still in development?
EDIT I think i need that SDK kit on my win 2003 platform

If the answer is No at Q2, are you willing to take a look to let it work on a w2003 environment ever ???? I Expect that you will first implement a stable version for win xp users.
EDIT mmm I think you also don't own a win 2003 environment....

Thanx in Advance !

Tom From Holland

When I was reading your posting again i saw that you mentioned that the dll is from a Software Developer Kit and maybe that is the reason why it isn't working for me ?

When Looking at the http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/d.../en-us/directshow/htm/sbestreamsinkfilter.asp page i can conclude that it say's :"This topic applies only to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later." Maybe I;m lucky, it's getting very late here i think i will try it within 20 hours. I'm tires now and go to bed.


Question with MP and Skystar2: How can I build a tvguide.xml with all sat-channels in it ? tv-movie does not make sense, lots of channels missing and complete different names.

Any idea ?
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