Tools and other software EPG-Buddy a new EPG Tool with easy usage. (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
April 2, 2016
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Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
Hi Lehmden

Thanks for the update. The updated version creates tasks ok on Win10 2004 now :)
I also tried Rytec. I few observations:

  1. Rytec does have all the channels I need :)
  2. It downloads the whole xmltv file for the UK which I don't have a problem with but I'd prefer to be able to choose which channels it outputs into the final file I would want to load/merge.
  3. I get an unhandled exception at the end of the download that doesn't appear to stop and xml file being created but I guess you were potentially trying to post process something.



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  • December 17, 2010
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    I get an unhandled exception at the end of the download
    This error is caused by a faulty archive, I think. Need to check that further.
    It downloads the whole xmltv file for the UK
    Rytec always delivers all channels, not only for UK but for every country. You can not choose which channels to grab. But as Rytec is that fast this is no big issue, imho...

    If that would have been possible I would have added the corresponding checkbox for sure...


    Portal Member
    April 2, 2016
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    Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)

    With Rytec, if I try and use just Region- preselection (epg by Igor@K-runigma)- Astra 2E/2F/2G 28.2E
    then nothing downloads nor TVGuide.xml is produced. I had a quick try of downloading the file EPG-Buddy attempts to download:

    by hand and various security programs informed me that this Ukrainian site was dodgy, that the file contained a virus and would not let me download it. This also looks like the exception you get as it appears to be a gzipped file rather than a xz file. This is pretty scary over and above virus checkers warning EPG-Buddy itself contains a virus.

    If I instead choose to use Region- preselection UK/Ireland - FreeSat (xz) the "Select offered channel from EPG data" offers all channels that I would want. However, the channels EPG data that is actually produced (EPG-Grabber.URL.Rytec UK Sat_Virgin XMLTV_UK_Ireland - FreeSat (xz).xml) is a subset of all the channels that were offered.

    I can also (multiple) select all of the UK/Ireland preselects and I get offered the same large list of channel EPG data channels. This then downloads six xz files and produces six TVGuide xml files containing the vast majority of channels that were in the "Select offered channel from EPG data" list but not all. So for instance the "Travel Channel" which is the the list of offered channels is not in any of the TVGuide xml files produced. Why are the channels being offered if the downloaded xz guide files don't contain the data for those channels?

    I agree the download of xml files is much faster than WebGrabbing. However, what I used to do was just web grab the channels I wanted to merge into my OTA grabs and then load the merged file into MP. The loads of the TVGuide xml files into MP can also take a lot of time when you are importing a load of channel data that you don't need because you can't actually recieve those channels. It would be useful to have a post process on the various TVGuide xml files produced to create a single TVGuide.xml file of only the channels that the user is looking for, say with a tick box against the channels offered that was used to post process the downloaded guides. If the data was accurate (which I haven't tested as yet) I could then choose just the channels that I was interested in and not even use OTA grabbing which can be also be very slow if I use TVDB to do look ups.

    Anyway, thanks again for your continued devlopment and giving us all options to recieve guide data.




    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2010
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    Since some time WebGrab is needing a licence to work. If you don't have one an error message appears:

    You need to register to Webgrab forum and request a licence there:

    Aside this you most likely are forced to donate something as if not you only get a very limited set of features.

    Webgrab is getting worse nearly every day and should be avoided whenever it's possible...


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2010
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    A new version of EPG-Buddy is available to download. Aside some necessary fixes it solves the WebGrab issues as far as possible. You only can use WebGrab if you "donate" every year. And even then it is very limited. The so called "free" licence is completely unusable imho. It's so f**ing crippled and damn slow that you most likely can't load a full EPG in 24 hours. Aside this there is no data grabbed excerpt for title and time. WebGrab simply is Crap since V 3.x. Please avoid it wherever it's possible.


    Portal Pro
    June 15, 2012
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    Germany Germany
    I have updated to the current version. When I'm using Rytec and TvSpielfilm as epg source, then the application is crashing. No useable entry in the logs, regarding the error. As soon as I deselect TvSpielfilm, the app runs flawless.
    What could cause the failure?


    • error.jpg
      120 KB


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2010
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    I'm using TVSpielfilm and Rytec too but I can't reproduce this error here. It's working flawlessly.

    Most likely there was an internet hickup during downloading from TVSpielfilm. Try it again and it hopefully will work again.
    If it didn't help you can try to delete the following files in EPG-Buddy folder:
    "EPG-Grabber.TVSpielfilm.xml" and all XML files starting with "EPG-Grabber.URL.Rytec ***. xml"
    These are the raw downloaded EPG Data files so probably something is wrong with them...

    Can I assume you have made an exception for the EPG-Buddy folder in your AV program? If not, please do it asap.


    Portal Pro
    June 15, 2012
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Can I assume you have made an exception for the EPG-Buddy folder in your AV program? If not, please do it asap.

    No not really. I'm using the Windows AV and did never set anything. It worked always before the update.
    Unfortunately the other advices didn't change anything.


    Portal Pro
    June 15, 2012
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I think I found a hint in the logs. What does the last sentence exactly mean?


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